I gasped and sat up! Ir did, too! All around us were worried Biehshah and Pirad, Taredias, and Kirnonos. Tenadu made me lie down. "Friends, we made the New Healing. It is done. Now we need rest, all of us! Pirad, do not be foolish."
He laughed, and it clicked. "My plan worked, do you see? I made Cubes and hid them! Rentappenen did not see it." But, he did. He tried to get us in Alb, but we made it.
Deb came in crying.
"What is it?"
"Gedda Dier died! Lisbaar is gone! They helped us, but they died doing it!"
Every one of the Biehshah looked puzzled. Except Ir. He remembered all of it. He's crying because Deb is crying.
Greg came in. "My Sweetheart, what is wrong?" He hugged her.
I hummed. I know how to heal Ty'nirrhans, now, but I don't have much.
There are 73 of 'em. All are on Ye~ except for Greg, Briahh, Roger and Judy, Sika and John. We're going home.
Molly came in. "Deb, what's wrong?" Her green eyes opened wide, like a Zheien's.
"Gedda Dier!"
"I know." Her voice broke. "Gierdre's clone, too. But Ronda, Jonnev, Cornelia and Marc's clones brought Kenneph back! Salla has him back, safe on MarKu."
Pirad sighed, a moan like fingernails on a blackboard. "I tried, Kirnonos tried, and Taredias. We cannot reclone her. We saved her intelligence in a biome. It was in my lab in Antarctica. My lab is destroyed, and all of Azure's family. Rentappenen gave her too much power, for an Earthan, but we knew she could not live."
That giant white walrus, Jarfus, waddled in with Mike and Mica, his wife. "Who is Azure?"
The walrus blinked at Mike with his purple eyes. "Who is Azure, you say! She saved us all! She saved Ry'nao! Azure used the talents of all of us, and every Councillor on the Council. Wally said we could do it. He said so, and we did! Don't cry. Pirad. Here is Azure. You can't reclone her, but I can clone her."
He waved a flipper, and she appeared. Looked at her feet. "I'm alive? But, that wasn't supposed to—Wally! You grew up!"
The walrus laughed. "I am not Wally, I am Jarfus. Wally left, but look who just got here, too late for the party!"
Purple light shone and left a man with constantly changing faces. "Molly! I am Wslarc, Rainbow Councillor. Where shall I put my Collective? Where is your colony?" He was with us. Zheien features.
She clapped her hands and her green eyes sparkled. "Jarfus, he's not too late, he's right on time! You can put it on Alb Seer! Fhiah decided not to have an Earthan Colony, but—"
"Where will you live?"
"Then, I will be MarKu's Councillor. Oh, you have the Rainbow Council building. I will put our Collective underground, there." He vanished. He's not going to be—but Suma's Ye~'s Councillor. Oh.
"I'm so glad we didn't get Kieta!" Molly laughed. I felt the same way!
Another light, a white one, shone and left a lady. "I suppose I am a disappointment to you, but I have been sent here also. Since you don't like my decisions, where do you want me?"
Pirad frowned at her. "Much of this mess is your fault. Did you send Wally?"
She laughed. "No. Nobody sends Wally, he sends himself! And, he left this Jarfus for Ye~. I suppose I will go to Antera. They will not mind my decisions." She vanished. Good riddance! I didn't like her in Rainbow.

Kia's Biehshah Gift
Science FictionKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...