A delegation from the Alb Council marched in. Most were Zheien and had sad faces.
Their leader, Per Naha, a yellow Zheien, had Leader Suan with him.
Per Naha had long, silver curls like an old Zheien, but appeared young, maybe middle aged. His record said he was 55, so that's like 30s for us.
Leader Suan looked young, but all Biehshah do. His green skin had a rich color, a sad contrast to the grayish hue of his companion, who trembled. Suan held himself with confidence, and his green eyes studied Ir. "I expected to find you dying, but it appears you are correct, Ten. I am happy. We offer the support of every prov of Biehshah. No one agreed to come here, but I wish you to know, all of you are welcome in our home.
"Uiano, Minister Of Leheren, is also very concerned about the health of all of you. If any of you wish to return for a short time, or permanently, he will see to all of your needs.
"He welcomes all of any prov! Ten, do you need help? We can provide any ingredients you may need."
Ten looked very surprised. Waved up a list. "I could not find these with any trader of the Yeff."
Suan waved, and Ten had a expression of shock! Then Suan slapped his arm on Ten's forehead! "I will not expect any trade from you, from any of you! Whatever you need, whether you stay or return home, we will supply you. Already, you saved our world, my colony!"
Ir sat on the bed! "We saved you?"
"Kia woke people all over Biehshah! At such cost to your colony! My parents lived. Garat's entire family! Many of us.
"I extend the apologies of our world to you, VW and Narai! And for the suffering of your Veliatsheeiene. Garat will also apologize publicly if you want it."
VW bowed. "Leader Suan, thank you! I will not ask for a public apology. You are forgiven, and all the ministers of Leheren and other provs. I like you, Suan!"
"I like you, too, VW, and you also, Narai!"
Everyone smiled.
Suan waved up a document. "I have here a Declaration Of Failure, but I will not sign it yet. I will give you time until the end of this war. Your colony is Failed, but who knows if Kia will revive all of you? I will not decide it yet."
"Thank you, Suan." Ir smiled, but he trembled.
They all bowed, we returned it, and they left.
VW hugged Ir. "We are forgiven! I will record a performance of this for all of my ancestors!" He ported away.
"Not without me!" Narai ported after him!
Cevit Ion hugged us. "Friends, if you have any needs, ask of Ryee, and he will help you. Our colony also offers help."
"Thank you, Cevit Ion! I never thought to speak with Suan! He forgives us! All of us!"
"Please, call me Cev and be my friend."
"Thank you, Cev." Ir smiled as Cev put him on the bed again. Pas carried me up so we could sit together in our leiwege.
We talked about our lost friends and loved ones. They kept offering help.
"All we need is for the war to be over!" I sighed.
So did Ir, and it rumbled. Rumbles came from all the Zheien, which made me giggle, despite our grief. Our folks in Heaven probably liked that.
Ten left after a while. Maybe he's checking on VW and Narai. They've been gone for a couple hours.
Our whole time here on Ye~, we've been scared of this pending battle. One problem after another. To be so close and lose everyone, it just didn't seem fair!
At least we can talk about it now. After a while, I was still bone-tired but my attitude was a lot better.
Ten came back with an army of our clones and clones of every colonist! "I have enough materials from Suan to make thousands more!" He even had clones of all the Ry Petheans and Areonians, and Yeff! "All who died are safely in stasis with people to tell stories for them. I checked all of them.
"I think, when the war is over, I can bring them back."
"Why not now?"
His bright blue eyes filled. "Kia, I think, if I bring them back now, they will not survive this stress. I made their clones strong for this."
Ir stroked the back of his silver hair, like a Zheien. Ten smiled. "I trust you, Ten."
"I like you, Ir. Even after the war, I will stay in your colony. Suan was nice to offer, but I want to stay here."
Ir nodded. "I am happy for you to stay!"
The clones gathered around us, and one of Ir's father hugged me. "Ten made me better. I'm ready, Kia."
I startled. Father never used contractions! They're learning foreign customs from me.
Ir smiled. It's not bothering him. It felt better, having all these cloned brothers and sisters.
I just tried not to think about what's coming. It's close. "Let's call a meeting, now that everyone's here!"
Der gathered our Council, right here on our bed.
Ir's father frowned. "I don't think we can decide anything before it happens. Just as suddenly as we entered this time bubble, as you call it, we will exit it. I think there will not be time to react. We are already fighting. I feel it."
Der nodded. "I do, too, and I don't have a Cube or a Lens! What can those of us do who have no weapons?"
"There are no weapons here. Lisbaar had them all. If any survived the destruction of it, Pirad has them."
And we can't talk to him.
Ir got everyone's attention. "Cubes and Lenses are similar. If there is anything anyone needs to do, we will get instruction from the Collectives. There really is nothing we can do our otherselves are not already doing. This is why all of us are tired. We are acting as a massive Collective." He spread his hands wide, like I would.
Several others did that. "Our own Collective! I like that!"
"Think of the good we could do! I think I'll invent something!"
"Me, too!"
Discussions got exciting. Zheien looked worried. But everyone good-naturedly grouped up and worked on projects. Some pulled Zheien or Areonians or people from Ry Pethe over to discuss things.
I smiled. As long as our people are happy, I'm happy. Who says meetings have to be long and boring!
Ir and I donated an idea or two every once in awhile as we laid on our leiwege. These clones had energy. VW and Narai had a group of scientists around them with a lot of screens up. Gen and Noka brought Zheien from Ryonne~'s family to join them. We all liked the science stuff, but Gen and Noka were good with servers and contributed to Be~saech and Mon Pa's groups. Even Cevit Ion had some ideas for prog improvements. I guess even galactic ministers do some things in their spare time. They seemed to enjoy what they did.
Mostly, Ir and I just enjoyed the activity around us. Until the stone walls vanished.

Kia's Biehshah Gift
FantascienzaKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...