Pirad ported to us. His orange pupils flew apart in their 3 pairs! He folded his arms across his head! "You have a child!"
Daka jumped into his arms and put his little forearm across his forehead. "I'm sorry, but I'm very happy to be here with my parents. Did you come from Bisillipia?"
"No, I have a lab here below Burial Chambers."
"Can I see it? I would like very much to have a cloned brother. Many Yeff have brothers."
Pirad clicked his face into an unhappy expression. "Your parents have a dangerous mission. I cannot do this now. Stop reading my mind. It is rude!"
"I don't want to, but I don't know how to stop. Can you teach me?"
Pirad got the exasperated expression.
Ten put a forearm across his forehead. "This boy has abilities he cannot control, and none of us can teach him. But, we can try."
"Am I bad, Tenadu? I don't want to be bad!"
I took him. "Daka, you're not bad! You're still learning, that's all." I hugged him.
"He needs to learn fast. I have much work!"
I showed him all that happened, and he looked even more dismayed. "I must speak with my host!" He ported away.
An army of Pirads ported to our colony.
Daka put both his arms up in a Y. "Uncles!"
Most of them clicked their faces into unhappy expressions, but one got smug face. "I am for you, and will be your uncle. Pirad gave me all of Kirnonos' minds for you."
"Oh, boy! I'm happy!" I let this Pirad take him to the festival in our colony.
One Pirad stayed with us. The others spread out all over Ye~ wherever groups enjoyed festival activities. "We are here to increase security. Tell me if you detect anything unusual, and I will alert others."
It was easy to pretend everything was normal. My body didn't feel different, but that's normal for a Biehshah birth. Camila introduced me to 20 new Hispanic colonists from Mexico City and we helped them get a lot of relatives ready to board a ship. Adia's Ship now had a daily ship to Alb in the evening, and plenty of people had memories of living here on Ye~, so besides MarKu, we had the second fastest growing Earthan Colony in Alb. Ir told me another group of Biehshah diplomats were on Alb dealing with Garat. His girl waited in Leheren for him to finish several trade treaties. His total lack of willingness to learn Earthan customs hampered his work. When Earthan businessmen laughed at him, he got insulted and it took all day for his diplomats to explain things and try to get another meeting.
I missed my son as we gathered by the musicians, but Uncle Pirad soon brought him to sing with us. While we sang, he waved up a design screen for musical instruments for Biehshah and Bisillip babies. Soon, people brought their kids to try them and he taught them how to design others. Musicians soon heard about this and came from other colonies. Apparently they decided travel was safe enough in Alb with The Pirads.
"Kia, are you tired?" Ir held my hand. His was cold.
Daka stopped in the middle of a design and hopped into my arms. "I'm tired, too. Let's go take a nap." His blue eyes watched us.
"I can't sleep until Sara gets here—"
"I'm here!" Sara didn't look rested. Her deep blue eyes had the droopy look.
"You can sleep longer—"
"Who can sleep? I got enough to keep me going." She smiled at Cevit Ion, who kept dark eyes. Yellow Zheien have blue eyes that go dark when they're unhappy. But, I am tired.

Kia's Biehshah Gift
Science FictionKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...