But looking around this peaceful place, I didn't feel like I was really a warrior. People planted flowers by their front doors, or inspected cracks. How do houses get cracked in a containment? That really bothered me. Most people had happy expressions as they greeted friends or moved something around. For the most part, they carried things rather than using a containment to float them. Biehshah are very strong, so they won't hurt themselves. Der had a house on our left and put statues of his family standing at the corner nearest us. He carried them over and rearranged them as we walked. On the right was Lisen and Reggie talking about which flowers they might want.
Walks had tiles in them that told stories. This walk led to our new house and Ir read them off. "Here is my family, Kia. My parents wrote this as they traveled on the ship from Bisillipia to Biehshah.
"We left at 14th moon. Pilots tell us we will only travel a day, so most of our friends are also making tiles for our new walkways. We hope our children will enjoy them. Our first tiles show our home in Leheren. There all is green obsidian buildings. Gardens are a long walk away. Our colony is planned so we have flowers all around our homes and big gardens to enjoy along our walkways. We are carrying all varieties of Biehshah flowers and many of Aryll as well. Zheien and Xchou are also generous with flowers, so Daklanm is painting flowers while I make the story and arrange them. Holos will be expensive, so art adds color and poetry for our eyes.
"Our house must also be simple, but we decided to build a new one since reminders of home are so very unpleasant. Many with us want new homes. We tired of living in buildings with the only windows in the top to show us only moons. These homes will have large windows to let in the light. How we changed, and we now enjoy more light on our soft skins. Warmth was very unpleasant to our hard bodies. These new ones are soft, and warm. All of us enjoy this newness. Those who did not changed back to their familiar.
"We are the new colonists with much hope for this home under a warm sun." The last tile had a yellow sun in a blue sky.
"Biehshah looks like Earth, a little. Does it feel as weird to you as it does to me, Ir?" All the beautiful tiles led up to our house, about the size of Daddy's 1200 square foot house in Clarkston. He didn't like all the repair bills there.
"It does. I am trying to ignore that. Skies should be blue, but I saw many places in my travels. I will get used to this." The house was sand-colored except for the tiles that made a portrait of his parents and him as a baby. He had platinum blond hair, even as an infant. His deep green coveralls were like baby clothes I saw in our colony in Rainbow. Stretchy, soft stuff except for the rubbery shoes. They both had the bright blue eyes many Biehshah have, like Ten.
Ir pushed the front door open. Inside, there was a single room with a double bed. Just like our room on the ship? "Kia, I left room for you to put anything you want, or I can trade for things for you."
"I want you to put things in here, too. I can always rotate things out if I want something new." It felt odd not to have a kitchen or a bathroom, but I don't need 'em now. My aandat will keep me clean. I can wave up food in our menus.
"Put your things first, then I can add something from mine that you choose."
"Ok." I looked through my stuff. Folding chairs? No. They had Trintiy Baptist Church in spray painted letters in black on them. One had a church bulletin taped in a pocket under the seat from 1955 and it was typed with plenty of errors. The letterhead of the church was misspelled that way, too. "You can trade these. Someone who went to that church might want them."
That expression almost seemed disappointed. "But they are from the day we met."
I hugged my husband. "I have you! And Biehshah remember things even better than Zheien do! You'll remember every detail of telling me, Yes, I'm from out there! and pointing to my bathroom!"

Kia's Biehshah Gift
Science FictionKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...