We came out of the portal on the Piedmont Park side and I saw a giraffe eating the tops of several trees. Rainbow had an elephant in the other future. There were all sorts of wild animals around, and people interacting with them! "Ir, is that safe?"
"O, we have progs so those that wish contact with people have it, and those that ne are hidden. They control this. I am Oesha, Leader Of Ye~ Science Council, and I walk to see to them." This fella had ScSv purple on and VW walked with him.
"Ir, you must come soon to see them! Diplomats rescued many animals from cruel owners that animal rescue agencies wished to help but had no resources. We let them know of our ability to help and they came with us on the ship. Some workers also came." Several Earthans with purple uniforms already stood with some animals who got visible when they came near. A lion swiped at one of them from her back but the paw stopped and he startled. The lady frowned at him. "Sit and I will give you your treat!"
He sat and she held out a steak. With the same paw he gently clawed it into his mouth.
"Good boy, Marcus!"
I laughed. Several cubs chased each other near the pool. All the lions, tigers, elephants, apes, bears and even the giraffe had aandats. No messes! Many of them watched us. I'll love having them for neighbors!
Oesha watched them, blue eyes merry. "They are very happy here, and can roam where they please!" A breeze ruffled his brown, straight hair. He's shorter than Ir.
VW giggled. "I wish to pet one, if he—"
A Capuchin monkey darted out of some bushes and ran to him.. All of us petted his head and he closed his eyes. An elephant came close and sniffed my hair with his trunk. Then more Capuchins and that giraffe came over to check us out. Also a herd of deer. Other people came over to pet them, too, but I was too tired for much of it. Ir noticed and we said goodbye.
Most of the Yeff were in the purple building, so we went there. Be~saech followed Pas to people writing progs for him. He smiled often when he finished a prog. Most of 'em were sleeping, but several Earthans had worried faces. A Black man in DS blue went from person to person reassuring them.
Ir went to a Zheien with dark curls. "Se~spea! Are you well?"
He smiled and hugged us. "I am well, merely weary. Did you see your home? Many have cracks, and our science council ne knows why!" His gray eyes opened very wide.
My husband sighed. "I am sure this happened when Garat Excluded us. By our traditions, when one is Excluded, those who agree with it damage the person's house, to show their support. Garat has many friends."
"This is terrible! By Alliance rules, a trader can ne damage another trader's items!"
"Bisillipia is exempt from this because of our traditions. TS Inspectors on Bisillipia and Biehshah will not enforce it. Our items can go to the person who Excluded us, but because Goes complained, we have all. Der repaired his home."
Se~spea hugged Der. "You are cold, my friend! Please, sit with me? I am very sorry you had these trials."
Der laughed. "We are free! I have my family's items and my house, and Ir has all of his. Since Ir married, perhaps I have hopes. Kia, I saw Inanarur among the rescued. Before she vanished, I thought to marry her. She is a very skilled trader and loves to travel." His green eyes had the dreamy look. Hope I can heal her!
An Ishah pulled Se~spea back to his leiwege as all of our Biehshah laid around us. "All of you are weary. Please, rest. Diplomats came to watch so we are safe."
"To watch? Should we be worried? I looked out of the open doorway and saw people coming in to lie on beds, and bakers with trays, and in the distance, graceful dancers floating around Oshfah, the main city. Oshfah and Rainbow both had nine buildings each with nine sides. Buildings in Rainbow had seven. Oh, because they came from Zhea~'s main prov of Ye~. It has nine sides on buildings, too.

Kia's Biehshah Gift
FantascienzaKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...