A man screamed for help down the Diplomatic Link. "Help us! If Rentappenen takes over Ry'nao, thirteen galaxies will be in his control!"
All the Thordes stopped arguing and got that stance, like they're all ready to fight! Molly startled. Deb ran out of Pirad's Lab, and so did everybody else!
Suma and Ray came out, too. I ran over there. All our Biehshah startled and came out, too.
Ry'nao came from Pirad's Lab into the main room of this red-violet ship. Fell into Ryonne~'s arms! "Ket! No—Suma!"
She came, with that giant walrus!
Ket's Elshar eyes were black.
People gathered around him as he fell to his knees. Ket put him on his lap. Wept.
I ran over there and Ry'nao put his hand on my head. It trembled. But then, I knew things.
Snafanas is an Aryllan slaver who's attacking. Ilios, this is Ry'nao's son, who called for help! His telepathy killed Snafanas. Then he reached for Rahn Wenh Cet. Molly helped him. But I got in there and fried him and his other son, cloned son Lun Wenh Cet.
This is war! They are attacking my emperor!
Ir got in there with me and helped me fight with his telepathy! As I followed others, I saw Ty'nirrhans and tagged Deb—she's as strong as me? She got them, too.
Sara, Cevit Ion's new wife came. She can see the slavers. Hundreds—no, thousands of 'em! How can all of us fight so many? But it made me mad. Rentappenen's going to lose because Ray killed him in the other future, so I poured healing into the Link.
The music built. Ice cream flavors—as if I were eating it to fuel myself, and gave that experience to every person on Ry'nao's side! Everyone got stronger telepathy.
I sped us up. Or maybe someone else did. We formed a single mind, directed by Ry'nao.
So many minds! We just sought out slavers who were attacking and killed them, one by one, but fast!
Azure, that's the red-braid girl, she spoke. "I want to help, but what can I do? A time bubble! I'll gather all our selves from now until the Final Battle and use us all to fight him! He can't switch timelines fast enough to avoid all of us!"
But, suddenly as it began, I stood on the outside watching my legion of selves fight, and I couldn't?
People acted normally. Except for Deb, who clung to Greg's arm and Briahh hugged both of them. Suma wasn't here! Her husband's gone and his brother, Doug is crying. Another Ket's in there with him with the black marble eyes. People ran in Doug's room and Suma and her husband fell out of the ceiling, and that walrus is there now. Everyone heard Suma's screams! Molly ran in there.
Sara and Cevit Ion went in there, and Ishmarel and Alice who rule Zheiea. An Earthan's Queen Of Zheiea? After Ry'nao touched my head, I know all these people. I knew of them in Rainbow! All of me shook.
Ir pulled at my arm. "We have to get on the ship now, Kia."
"But, we were—" Ry'nao was lying on his bed with Ket looking worried beside him. Molly still sat there, holding his hand. She looked at me, green eyes wide like a Zheien. Go get on the ship. We can't do anything now, but our selves can.
I saw that battle, too, and walked around Ry'nao on the floor and Ket and Suma and the walrus, who took up a lot of room. Others walked through them like they weren't even there.

Kia's Biehshah Gift
Science FictionKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...