Camila walked over and I braced for her to chew me out again. But she threw her arms around me and cried! "I treated you horribly, but you saved our people! You brought us help! All of us wanted to move someplace safer, but we could not afford this, so we just worked and prayed for help. You are the help God sent to us!"
I hugged her back. "I'm happy for you, but I didn't bring anything! Ir and his diplomat buddies did that." With a wave to Prince Theapet, I laughed. "I'm just glad we came to find y'all today! Ir and I got married—"
Daddy startled and glared at Ir. "Why didn't she mention you when I called her yesterday, if you were planning to elope?"
"We saw our future, today." Ir spread his hands out wide. They trembled. I worried!
"That's impossible! Where are you from, anyway? Mexico? Or further south?"
Ir laughed and waved up a holo of Biehshah. "Here is where I came from. Biehshah is a planet in the Alb System. But we will live in our new colony on Ye~, near the Earthan Colony there." The holo of Biehshah vanished and Ye~ came up."
"You're not going home?" Daddy frowned.
"I created a colony to save our people who are sick or Excluded. My people want Siotu to have automated mines and they are tired of paying for healers." He looked pale.
Der stood beside him. "I would never Exclude anyone."
Garat came over. "I am sorry I Excluded you, all of you. I will never Exclude anyone again! But Leader Suan is very happy to reclaim Siotu, since all of them went to Ye~. Their scientists want to create mines there for shipbuilding materials. My traders already found markets for the waste minerals."
Ir paled more.
Now Eanne~ came over. He's Ryonne~'s father. "Gar, M'Naga already found markets for all of our output."
"But, it is only fair that Biehshah has trade from their skills, as they give to us from Siotu." Garat put a hand on his hip.
Eanne~ paled. "Surely you ne expect them to give an Alliance share to you, when your governance nearly killed them!"
"They are still Biehshah. Of course they will choose Biehshah for their 10%!"
Ir stood with his legs apart, like he did to give that lawyer his cards. "Surely you know, Unified worlds only require 9%. Ye~ is Unified."
"Biehshah is still Alliance, and we require 10% of all our citizens!"
Ten ran up and poured 4 drinks down my husband. He glared at Garat.
But Eanne~ looked exasperated. "They are now citizen Ye~ and I ne require a share of them, at all!" He spread his twin-fingered hands wide.
All our Biehshah looked very happy! They raised both hands in the air! I guess that was kind of like Zheien wave to cheer, except they don't do a frozen arms-up.
"No share of all that trade? How does your kingdom survive with only 2500 people? And a third of them are former slaves who cannot produce!" Garat stood the same way Ir did, but with his feet further apart with one in front. And, a sneer. "We have 8 decillion."
Eanne~ waved with a jerk. Biehshah rotated. A graph in Biehshah totally lost me. "Here is Biehshah trade. Leheren takes 90% of your people's trade, and Leader Suan is unhappy with it. Theaspaura, King Of Fhiah, is working to convince him to take equal shares from all provs—"
"But, if he does that, we will all starve, because Irdaktin's colony will take most of my prov!"
Camila marched over to him. "So, you are rich and you do not care about poor people? You deserve to starve!" She turned on her heel and went back to Daddy, who shrugged at me.

Kia's Biehshah Gift
Science-FictionKia's getting a lawsuit when Irdaktin offers to pay for her co-worker's damage at her workplace. He shows her a future where her healing skills save him and his Biehshah Colony. Garat, Minister Of Leheren, threatens rulers hosting Biehshah Colony. N...