Future Gold Digger

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It was the start of a new breezy day. Julies pale body tried to embrace the heat emitted froom the early morning sun. Her eyes squinted at the rays glaring at her as the relaxing wind from the sea was inhaled by her small nose.

She leaned further down even though she has a small seasickness. The blue almost aurora like sight caused her to be dizzy for a moment. It was a new magnificent sight for Julie. The water was almost clean, if it wasn't for the salt. She was influenced to dive right in.

Julie never was the one to show her feelings, but whenever she was in Narnia everything bursts right out of her skin. Her delusional emotions blowing out of her insides. But her stubborness remains.

"Penny for your thoughts?" asked Eustace.

"I'd prefer gold or emerald, do you have any?" replied Julie, grinning at Eustace.

"It's just a phrase!" exclaimed Eustace, copying the grin of Julie

"What's a phrase?" asked Edmund, taking a place beside Eustace.

"Penny for your thoughts,"

"Let me guess, she said gold, right?"

"Close enough, yeah. If you include other jewels,"

"Hey! Look, I just want to get out of the house, you can't blame me. What do I know? Maybe you're serious and maybe you will give me those. I'm gonna take chances," said Julie, shaking her head in some words, indicating that she emphasized those.

"If you aren't so manly, you'd make a perfect gold digger," said Edmund jokingly, as Julie presented him a venomous glare.

"Maybe I'd be so," she said, huffing air and tilting her chin up.

"Edmund is right. You could be; just continue doing what you are doing now with more grace and you could make someone swoon at your feet, but remember to dress and talk appropriately," suggested Eustace.

"Thanks for the bloody back-up, Eustace. Now shoo!" she waved them off, lifting her elbow to the trail and supporting her face as she stared at the flock of seagulls squeaking.

"Oh, and Eustace is a pretty name for a pretty girl!" she yelled after the poor offended boy.

"Can't you take it as a compliment? We metaphorically told you you're beautiful! Stop being oblivious!"

"You sidetrackedly said that I would be using some poor guy as a means for money!"

"You would do it, anyway! Just you wait, Julie. Just so you wait."

"I will! And if we ever meet again, I will laugh be laughing in your face!"

She desperately wanted to write a fiction novel, but she is in no means of having enough of that idea. All of the imaginating she did was done when she was about to sleep, and when the next morning comes, the idea fades. Much like her sanity when she was around some particular persons.

Colorful words were mumbled aggresively out of Julie's fearless mouth.

"Hey, Julie? Rinse your mouth, it's filthy." said Edmund simply, lifting her chin up to stop the bypassing curses from blurting out. He didn't withdraw his hand and then Julie - offended by his actions - leaned in slowly to his lips until their deep breaths were vivid to the others. She tilted her head, raised her arm and flicked one of her finger to Edmunds forehead.

"Ow!" he yelled.

"Edmund? Clean your forehead, it's scarlet." she replied, walking away from him.


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