A Surreptitious Time Away and Back

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-Long Live-

-A Surreptitious Time Away and Back-

It had been a year since Julie and the Pevensies departure from Narnia. While scurrying to her school clothes and finding excuses, she bumped her head on the glimmering doorknob of the spotless door of the bathroom.

Her head was oozing blood that even she did not know had composed in her brain. Her mother, dreading of losing another daughter, had tried to rush her in the nearest Hospital with her cousin's help.

The hair was no big deal, as the doctors had shaved a big amount of it, and her wrist made no appearance to anyone around, though the missing necklace was a big fuss to her mother. She could find no suitable excuses to it that she was forced to spend time with boys that she never knew existed. She had a vivid idea of a forced arrange marriage in the air, though everyone knew she would refuse whatever the circumstances.

The time did past, her hair grew in a very swift time, she bothered to wear long-sleeves everywhere she went. She hadn't made a big difference, only added skills of punching bullies and occational punishments, but she did learn to physically. and also mentally, injure those who were cynics against her.

Now she could cut carrots, imagining they were fingers of those verdicts using a sword. She missed Caspian, the Pevensie's, Reepicheep and deep in the back of her mind, Aslan.

One day, walking along the path with her friend, Richard Humminsbee, Julie was pestering him about teaching her baseball and she fell face first into the cold-hard sidewalk with a loud 'thud'.

"Are you alright?" asked Richard.

"Yeah, I'm jolly good fine, I feel like doing that stunt in a five feet stadium." replied Julie, sarcastically.

"You can't run in baseball if you trip like that,"

"Whatever, I'm going home,"

Running to her house, she quickly locked her room and jumped to the bed, embracing the pain of the scratches from the sidewalk. She fell asleep in a blurry dream of her past companaions in Narnia. The last vivid image in her mind was Aslan, diminishing in the wind, before she hugged the wooden floor once again.

Surprisingly, she found that the space under her bed was much more cozy than the actual one. Crawling more and more underneath it, bringing the covers with her, she hit her head on the metal.

Indeed the day for her was full of accidents, but this one last time she bumped her head on something. Suddenly, the floorboards changed into water and the bed evaporated in thin air.

Julie was facing the water and slowly losing her breath and conscience, but her failure of a shell-shocked senses got best of her and her arms started unconsciously flapping around.

Another one was also flapping his arms around screaming obscenities that would match a sailor's. One man dived down from the incoming ship that was closing in on the gap between the two water scarred children.

"Help me, you bloody old sailors!" yelled Julie, almost matching the high-pitched scream of the other child.

Now the two were screaming their heads off as the man had the hold of both their waists. They were than elevated in the platform reaching a block of wood on the deck.

"Where on Earth am I?" yelled Julie "Get me out of here! Take me to the nearest port!"

Incidently, Eustace and her were conniving on the same speech without speaking to each other. They simply wanted to get out of the strange ship and stop the queeriness of everything that was happening.

"Oh, you little pea," said a familiar voice, as Julie quickly turned around and turned red with embarrassment.


"And I even thought you forgot about me!"

Julie quickly embraced him in a hug without any grace, once they broke apart, Julie saw the others behind Caspian.

"Lucy!" said Julie, running to embrace the little tot.

"You've grown taller!" she said, grinning like a fool at the girl.

"I've missed you, Julie!"

"I know you did," said Julie with feigned cockiness.

She whipped around and met the back of an unsuspecting someone. "Ow!" she dropped on her bottom and quickly lashed herself up to bluff at him.

"You should bloody well know how to apologize!"

He faced the mental girl screaming at the top of her lungs.

"Edmund!" said Julie, surprised, she quickly hugged him and gave a brief smile before her face turned into a scowl.

"What?" asked Edmund.

"You're taller." said Julie "Remember, we were the same height?"

"Err- Yeah, I guess so."

"But it stll won't stop me from doing this." she quickly ruffled his hair.

"What was that for?!" he shouted, angered at her bipolar-ness.

Before any answers could slip away from her pale lips, a couple unwanted substances escaped.

"Get a bucket! Quickly!" shouted an oarsman.

Reepicheep quickly pushed a bucket at Julie's barfing face before looking at her awkwardly grunting and choking. Once she had finished unyielded the wrath of the undigested food, she quickly wiped the filth from her mouth using the left sleeve of her shirt.

"Damn boat," she muttered before /trying/ to compose herself.

"Err-- Are you alright?" asked Edmund.

"Yes, 'm perfectly fine with this rocking boat that did not just give me a reason to vom-- Reepicheep!"

Julie quickly lost her rant and hugged the unwilling mouse before she remembered that it did not want to lose the little dignity she took.

Reepicheep piked his sword on Julie's left wrist before prodding a scrap of clothing off of the exposed arm.

"I'm sorry, Reep," said Julie "You didn't have to physically harm me, you know."

She was holding her wrist before letting the right arm fall. The scarred wrist giving several people the pleasure to glance at it.

"Umm... Caspian, have you any idea of a necklace left at the grounds of Cair Paravel?"

"Sorry, Julie, I hadn't a chance to venture into that necklace of yours,"

"Are you completely sure? No engravings of Julienne P.?"

Caspian chuckled before saying "Julienne? Then why is the last letter 'P'?"

"My mum handed it to me. I'm not sure about the engravings since Julie is my actual first name, but I am capable to confirm that is is entirely of my sole ownership."

[A/N: Seriously, does anybody read this? If you did;  Vote, Comment, Like anything ifyou really read this. You can fan too... But if you don't really want to, please just comment, vote or yeah, anything.]

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