Chapter 1

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"Thanks Lu!" Levy said smiling at her friend behind the counter in the book store. She rushed out the door to get home as quickly as she could to read her new book. Levy was excited, it was the latest book by her favorite author and really, what bookworm wouldn't be excited?

Levy clutched her book close to her chest imagining all the things that she thought could happen in the book. Horror had been her favorite but she always loved a good love story, which was exactly what this book was. She thought it was funny but she didn't mind one bit.

Levy tripped and her book flew out of her arms into the street. "No!" She yelled as the street lamps flicked on. She got up from the ground and brushed herself off then looked both ways of the street. She stepped out onto the street and picked up her book. As soon as Levy stood up straight and was about to walk back onto the sidewalk a car turned the corner quickly and the headlight blinded her. She screamed as it made contact with her smacking her into the driver's windshield.

Levy groaned in pain as she slid off the car. It had stopped quickly and the driver stepped out. She laid staring up at the sky and he looked down at her. She blinked trying to get a look at his face but her vision was blurred by the tears in her eyes. He reached down and made her stand. She cried out in pain, her whole body hurt. He opened the back door of his car and threw her in slamming it.

"Help..." Levy said weakly. She'd dropped her book again too...

"No one is going to help you. This city is nearly empty at night due to that gang that runs around." The man said sitting down in the front seat. He drove into the nearest alley and got out. He opened the door and pulled Levy out by her hair. She cried out which made him laugh.

"Please," she begged holding her ribs. She was on her knees looking up at him, he still had a handful of her hair in his hand.

"Please what?" He asked right before his hand hit her face causing her hand to jerk to the right. She cried as he hit her again.

"Why...?" She whispered.

"Because you should be taught to stay off the streets at sun down." He chuckled and kicked her so she fell back hitting her head on a garbage can. She blinked a few times before blacking out.

"Oi, short stuff!" Gajeel yelled again poking the small girl laying beside the trashcans. She looked pretty beat up and Gajeel felt horrible but what could he do?

She groaned and it sounded painful and that's when he decided to pick her up. Her blue hair had crusted blood in it, she had a black eye and lots of bruises on her face. When the metal head picked her up she cried out in pain, so Gajeel assumed she also had other injuries than just on her head. He couldn't really tell because she was fully clothed with a huge jacket due to it being the beginning of winter.

Gajeel carried the girl out of the alley and towards his small apartment complex. There he could take care of her and maybe Wendy could give her some medical attention. He may be in a gang, but he couldn't just let some small, defenseless girl die on his streets.

A light snow had started to fall once Gajeel buzzed the button to get inside his apartment. He rode the elevator up to the sixth floor. He held the girl in one arm as he opened his door. He stepped inside and Natsu was chilling on the couch watching TV with Lily, Gajeel's exceed. The only magical thing that was left in the modern world. Happy was snoozing under Natau's legs that were propped up on Gajeel's table... again!

"Get yer feet off my table!" Gajeel yelled at him.

"Hey metal head." Natsu waved in his direction not even looking at him or acknowledging Gajeel's statement.

Gajeel was pissed but he just continued to his room with the girl, because her medical attention was more important than yelling at the salamander again. He laid her on his bed as Lily walked in. He hopped up on the bed, "Oi, Gajeel what'd you do?" The exceed asked.

"I ain't stupid enough to hurt a girl that is obviously defenseless!" He snapped at his cat. "Stupid cat." He mumbled.

"Geez, cool it." Lily said. "You saved her then."

Gajeel just nodded as he walked into the bathroom and came back with a bowl and rag to clean her up. "Call Wendy, I'm going to need her help." He said.

Lily nodded and walked out as Gajeel pressed the rag softly to the girl's face. She looked so young. She was no older than seventeen. He bit his lip every time she let out a small whimper of pain as she slept. "I'm going to take care of ya." He whispered feeling a need to protect the girl. "I promise." He brushed some of her hair behind her ear as she slept. "Wendy will be here soon enough."

Bookworm's Savior {Gajevy}{Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now