Chapter 7

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"Right before your eyes, I'm breaking. No past, no reasons why. Just you and me..." -Taylor Swift, The Last Time.

Levy opened her door not expecting to see her boyfriend there. She gave him a soft smile, "What are you doing here?" She asked looking around to make sure her parents and brother weren't around.

"Can I speak with you for a moment?" He asked holding his hand out to her. She glanced at the clock, eight at night. Surely her parents would notice if she left. "We'll just be outside, don't fret." He smiled softly at her and she nodded taking his hand.

"What is it?" She asked with slight worry in her voice. It was cold outside, it had been nearly a year since she'd met him. Winter was rolling around soon. She rubbed her arms trying to keep warm.

"It's ain't nothing bad, so get that out of yer head." He looked at her and took off his jacket handing it to her. "Take this."

Levy took it and smiled at him as she slipped it on. "Then what is it?"

"Well, you never told me when yer birthday was, and I know I missed it last year." He said looking away.

"Oh." She giggled, "It's in a month. December seventh. (I picked a random date in the winter! Well the right before or whatever. You get what I mean o.o) I'm turning nineteen." Such a silly question, I don't even care about my birthday.

"Oh alright." He scratched his head. He turned around then looked over his shoulder, "Shrimp?"

"Yeah, giant?" She replied, still somewhat irritated with the nickname.

"I love you." He said. "Don't forget that."

Levy smiled, "I love you too, Gajeel. I never will forget that." She watched him walk away and turn to smile at her again before walking off into the darkness of the night. Levy stepped back inside and her brother stood there with his arms over his chest.

"I love you too, Gajeel." He mimicked.

Levy glared at him, "Stop eavesdropping!" She shouted running at him. He ran off into his room and shut and locked the door. "Open this door, you brat!"

Gajeel stuck his hands in his pockets as he walked down the street. It was chilly, but he was glad he gave his jacket to Levy. She had told him that she was just now getting comfortable with her parents knowing about him, which he didn't mind. He wanted to meet them someday. He knew it wouldn't be anytime soon though.

Gajeel smiled to himself, glad he had stopped his street gang ways. All he really did now at night was patrol to make sure no other people were getting harassed at night by anyone. Cobra wasn't much of a problem because Gajeel had regret-tingly killed his old friend that hurt his girl. He was glad the rest of his gang decided to change their ways too. They were more like the watchers of the city now, instead of the people being feared. He was glad to see more people on the streets at night.

"Excuse me," A woman in a hood bumped into him. Her hood covered her whole face except her mouth, which had a shy smile on it. "My fault. I wasn't paying attention."

"Oh, no I shouldn't think while I'm walking." He replied as she steadied herself. She smelled familiar which threw Gajeel off. She smelled just like Sara. "Do I know you?" He asked as she walked away. His heart rate picked up as he turned around and she was gone. She sounded like her too...

Gajeel shook his head, "Get it together. Obviously yer going crazy." He told himself as he made his way to his apartment. He walked up the stairs slowly and Pantherlily met him half way.

"I was about to come look for you. Usually you're home before nine." He said walking beside Gajeel.

"What, are ya my mom now?" He glared down at the cat. "I can come home whenever I want." He opened his apartment door and Lily went in. Natsu was lounging on his couch with Lucy. The two smiled at him.

"How's Levy?" Lucy asked.

"She's fine." Gajeel made his way to his room. "I'm going to bed."

Levy went to lock the front door when there was knock at it. She sighed and picked up Gajeel's jacket. He probably came back for it. "Gaj-," she started as she opened the door. But it wasn't him. It was not him. It was a hooded woman. "Who are you?" She asked looking at her as she put the jacket down.

The woman smiled and Levy shivered as a small breeze came through. "Hello?" Levy waved her hand in front of the woman.

"I'm an old friend of Gajeel's." She said. The tone in her voice sounded bored, but almost like there was a hint of jealousy in it. She pulled back her hood and her red hair shined in the porch light. "My name is Sara Thompson."

"Oh well Gajeel isn't here right now." Levy replied closing the door slightly. She was getting bad vibes from her. The name sounded so familiar to her, but it wasn't one she'd heard more than once or twice from Lily. Gajeel never spoke her name. Levy's couldn't recall a thing about her.

Sara pushed the door open more against Levy's will. "I'm not here for him." She sounded more sinister now. "I'm here for you!" She grabbed Levy's wrist and yanked her out of the door. Levy let out a small scream but Sara placed her hand over her mouth. She threw Levy aside and closed the front door. "You're coming with me."

Levy blinked up at her, "I can't." She glared at her. "I made a promise not to leave at night."

"Ha, yeah well I need to draw out his attention. Seems you're the only way I'll be able to do that." She reached down and grabbed a handful of Levy's hair and pulled her to her feet. "And if you scream or yell, your family is as good as dead."

"Nice threat, but I'm not helpless." Levy replied grabbing Sara's hand and prying her fingers from her hair. "I can also throw a punch, so let's go a few rounds." She smirked.

Sara rolled her eyes, "I didn't want to have to drag you along unconscious but if that is what you want..." She shoved Levy forward in the yard and she fell down. She jumped on her and punched her in the face.

Levy cried out in pain that shoved her off jumping up. This is too close to my house. I have to get to Gajeel. She's calling my bluff.

Levy wiped the blood from her lip and ran down the street. "Bitch!" Sara yelled as she chased after her. Damn it, I'm not going to make it.

Levy made a turn into an alley and looked back to see Sara a bit thrown off. She didn't take long to change direction. Levy just kept going. How are the people on the streets not finding this weird?!

Levy glanced at the street she was on. "His apartment building is at the end of this street." She said as she picked up her pace. She could hear Sara's running steps behind her. Levy reached the building and threw open the door, which happened to hit Sara in that face. Levy giggled a little as she raced up the steps as Sara recovered from the hit.

Levy looked back as she turned to start the next flight floor of stairs. The girl recovered fast, she was already running through the lobby. Levy just kept going. She made it to the fifth floor and started up to six. "Gajeel!" She screamed as she raced up them. She started on running down the hall towards his door. "Gajeel!" She was tackled.

"Damn it you little blue haired bitch!" Sara said as Levy groaned under her.

"Gaj-," Sara threw her hand over Levy's mouth. Levy saw Gajeel's door open.

Gajeel heard it. Levy's cry for him. "Gajeel!" There is was again. He jumped out of his bed and saw Natsu and Lucy looking confused at the door. Gajeel opened his door quickly and ran out to the hall and looked both ways seeing nothing. He just saw a black figure making its way down that stairs.

"I'm going crazy." He said going back inside.

"I heard it too." Natsu said standing behind him. "You need to get some clothes on and investigate that. I'm sure that was Levy." He walked out the door. "Luce and I will get a head start."

Gajeel nodded and ran to his room and got dressed quickly as Natsu, Lucy, and Pantherlily made their way out of the apartment. 

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