Chapter 9

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Song: Figure 8 by Ellie Goulding

Gajeel's fist was about to slam down into her face when she cried out, "Gajeel please don't!"

Gajeel blinked, his heart rate picking up, "S-Sara?!" He looked down at her. He shoved her hood down and she had a look of horror on her face. "How?"

She looked sad, "My sister... this man had me locked up for so long an-and I-,"

He shook his head throwing his hand over her mouth, "Don't give me that shit." He hissed. "Cobra has been dead a year. You could have come back." She rolled her eyes and he felt a pain in his side. He yelled in pain and fell to the side pulling a small pocket knife out of his side. He threw it in the direction of Lucy and Natsu's feet. "Heh," He glared at her as she stood up.

"You deserve that." She spit looking at him. Her eyes flew over to Natsu, Lucy, and Pantherlily. "Stay back," She warned grabbing Gajeel's arm and he protested pulling away. She kicked his side. "Get up or I'm killing the girl inside."

Gajeel swallowed and stood up holding his stab wound. "Bitch." He mumbled. Anything that was still there for her left as soon as she said that. Not only did she kidnap Levy, she threatened to hurt her. He wasn't going to have that. "Stay here guys." He ordered his friends as Sara led him inside. 

"Ha," Sara laughed, "You never would've followed inside a building for me if I was captive."

"Not now, no." He replied as blood started dripping from his hand over his side. "You're just a bitch now. Not the girl I fell in "love" with years ago. I have Levy now anyways, she showed me what true love is."

"That's some cheesy shit there." Sara replied coldly. "There is no such thing. People let you down, and in the end you only have yourself."

"What's this about?" 

"Isn't it obvious?" She looked back at him as she stopped in front of the door Levy was behind. "It's your fault my sister died."

Levy paced the white room waiting for the door to open so maybe she could stand a chance against Sara. She did not want to die and she really didn't want her harming Gajeel. She stood in front of the door as soon as she heard steps on the other side. She heard talking on the other side but couldn't tell if Sara was talking to herself or someone else. She just took a deep breath and prepared to tackle whoever opened the door. She would punch them and run for her life.

The locks on the door released and she stared at the door. It swung open and she ran tackling the tall, slightly slouching, figure. She sat on top of him and was about to punch him in the face when she realized it was Gajeel. There was a chuckle off to the side and Levy stared shocked at Gajeel, "Ga-Gajeel?!" She stuttered. She wanted to hug him but she was jerked off of him before he could say anything to her.

"No, no." Sara said throwing her to the side. Levy landed on her arm wrong and cried out feeling it bend the wrong way. Tears filled her eyes as she heard a low growl come from Gajeel who was sitting up now. 

"Don't touch her!" He yelled about to stand. Sara laughed and shoved him down. 

"Dear Gajeel," She said. Levy could only guess she was smiling, "Levy here isn't getting out of here. You aren't either." She leaned down and grabbed a handful of his shirt. Levy stood up quietly.

I can tackle her while she is distracted.

Levy's arm hurt, and she was positive it was broken, but she steadied her feet and lunged at Sara who screamed when Levy crashed into her. She wrapped her arms around her throwing them to the side, giving Gajeel a chance to stand. She landed on her arm again and Sara's weight only made the pain worse. She bit her lip but didn't scream.

"You're so stupid!" Sara yelled as she stood. She kicked Levy.

Gajeel stood holding his side. He looked over at Levy and watched Sara kick her. His blood boiled but his stab wound was crying out in pain. He bit his lip and ran. He shoved Sara away from Levy and picked her up quickly. "We gotta go, shrimp!" He said as Sara ran at them. They weren't quick enough and Gajeel was shoved away from Levy. 

Levy's scream made Gajeel lose himself. He was beyond pissed. It was like another being entered his body and was taking over. He ran at Sara who was caught off guard, for she was leaned over Levy with another pocket knife in her hand. It was now stained with Levy's blood. 

He tackled her to the ground, "Yer gonna regret hurting my shrimp!" He spit as he slammed her head into the ground. 

She cried out, "Gajeel stop!"

"No." He slammed her head against the ground again knocking her unconscious. A pool of blood began to form underneath her head, but he could still feel her breathing under him.

Gajeel went to slam her head in the ground again when two smaller arms wrapped around him tightly, "Gajeel, please don't kill her." Levy pleaded weakly. "You're better than that..." She collapsed beside him. Her chest was bleeding heavily. Gajeel's breath was caught in his throat. 

"Shrimp?" He said getting off of Sara. He touched her and she didn't move. He felt the warm tears begin to fall from his eyes.  Levy's small chest fell and rose slowly. "She lost too much blood." He picked her up quickly and ran outside. "Natsu, Lucy, Sara is inside. Take care of her!"

He ran away holding Levy close to his chest. He didn't know where to go. Where could he? He was beginning to feel weak from his own blood loss. He ended up at Levy's doorstep. He remembered her saying something about her dad being a retired doctor. He pounded on the door as his vision became blurry. 

The door to the McGarden home opened quickly. Outside the door Mr. McGarden stared down at Levy and a man holding his daughter tightly to his chest. The two of them were covered in blood. "Annabell! Call 911!" He yelled to his wife picking his daughter up and rushing her to the sofa.

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