Chapter 5

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Levy stretched as she got out of the hospital bed. It had been two weeks since she arrived and her parents finally decided to check her out, she had been able to go on day three.They didn't want to risk her recovery, that was now in full. Her ribs were still a little sore, but she no longer had stitches in the back of her head and the bruises that covered her body were mostly gone. She still had a very light mark around her eye but it wasn't very noticeable unless you were looking for it. She used the restroom and looked at herself in the mirror. "Time to go home, Levy!" She said gave herself a huge smile and turned around. She opened the bathroom door and her mother stood there in her room. She gave her a smile. "Mom," she hugged her.

Her mother returned her smile and hug, but was careful of her ribs. "Ready to go home?" She asked handing her clothes. Levy nodded taking them. "Go change and meet me down in the lobby."

Levy walked back into the restroom and changed her clothes quickly. She threw her hospital gown in the hamper and walked out and down the hallway. She would've made it further if she hadn't recognized the girl that was getting rolled through on a stretcher. She looked horrible. She reached out for her, "Lu!" she cried.

Lucy was unconscious and and being rushed to surgery. "Wh-What.." A pink haired man rushed after it. He had cuts all over him. And that's when Levy also saw Gajeel chasing after him and grabbing him by his arm.

"You idiot!" He yelled at the pink haired man. "They'll recognize us and we'll be jailed!" He pulled the man behind him and stopped as soon as Levy's eyes met his. She felt the tears filing her eyes. Her vision blurred pretty quickly. "Shrimp..." He whispered.

"Gajeel!" She ran to him and hugged him tightly. He didn't return the hug. He still held Natsu who was not struggling anymore realizing what his friend had said. "Y-you saved my life."

Gajeel grunted and shoved her away gently with his free hand. "Yeah, stay out of trouble." He pulled the pink haired man behind him. "Let's go Natsu. You can check on your girlfriend when there are less cops around. Maybe tonight."

Levy blinked and watched them walk away. "Gajeel..." She whispered falling to her knees as nurses and doctors all rushed back and forth. He was all she really thought about whole time she had been in the hospital. She had feelings for him that she didn't really understand why they surfaced. All she knew was she felt a connection to him that made her want to be around him and after going to two weeks without seeing him, he shoved her away. Maybe she wasn't meant to have feelings for this strange man. She hadn't known him long but it still felt like she'd known him forever.

"Levy! Come on." Her mother stood at the end of the hall.

"Y-yeah." Levy stood up and walked to her mother.

Gajeel got the frantic call from Natsu around noon. He had been laying lazily around his apartment, like he'd been doing since he let Levy go to the hospital. Natsu spoke quickly. "Gajeel, Lucy and I just got t-boned on the way to my apartment. Sh-she's bleeding pretty badly. Man, please help me!" Gajeel started hearing sirens in the background of the call.

"Natsu, get out of there. Meet me in the alley next to the hospital." He told his friend. He hung up and put on his shoes quickly.

Gajeel practically ran to the hospital to meet up with Natsu who was pacing back and forth. "She hasn't arrived yet." He looked nervously at Gajeel. "What if... What if she died?!"

"She'll be fine. Calm down." The bigger man replied. He watched as paramedics rushed a stretcher in the hospital with a blonde hair woman on it.

"That's her!" Natsu yelled. He rushed after them quickly and Gajeel growled following him. He chased him up two floors before he caught him. He swore he saw a small blue haired woman on his way down the hall.

"You idiot!" He yelled at Natsu as he grabbed him. "They'll recognize us and we'll be jailed!" He pulled Natsu behind him and began walking down the hall. He stopped staring at Levy. Their eyes locked and his heart skipped a beat. She looked like she was about to cry, "Shrimp..."

Levy ran up to him wrapping her small arms around him. "Gajeel!" She cried. He wanted to hug her back but he needed to get himself and Natsu out of the hospital. He also didn't want the feelings he had for her. It wasn't that he didn't like her, it was that she would be safer without him around. He'd get her killed. "You saved my life."

He grunted hoping she'd stop trying to get him to show affection to her. "Yeah, stay out of trouble." He shove her back gently with his hand that wasn't holding Natsu. He pulled Natsu behind him as he walked passed Levy. Sorry shrimp...

"Let's go, Natsu. You can check on your girlfriend when there are less cops around. Maybe tonight." The two made their way down the steps and out the exit smoothly. Gajeel sighed in relief of not being caught. "Idiot." He said walking away towards his apartment.

"She's that girl you saved." Natsu said.

"Yeah. What about her?"

"That's why you've hardly left your apartment. You love her"

Gajeel turned around and shoved him against the wall. "Shut-up!" He hissed. He held his arm up to Natsu's neck choking him slightly. He let his friend go and walked away. "She's safer without me around."

"But you're her hero, she isn't going to think that."

"Well she should learn to."

Bookworm's Savior {Gajevy}{Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now