Chapter 12

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"Can't wake up in sweat, cause it ain't over yet. Still dancing with your demons..." -Nightmare, Avenged Sevenfold

Gajeel stared in the window of the hospital bedroom. He held his side as he watched the doctors work on Levy. "You better make in, shrimp." He said crossing his arms over his chest. 

Natsu came up behind the Redfox, "Dude, how's she doing?" He asked pulling him away from the window. 

Gajeel looked at Natsu as a nurse came over and ushered them away. It was time for them to move Levy to the operating room. Gajeel sat down in the waiting room being careful of his side. "She needs the transplant." He looked up, "And they refused to let me give her mine. They said someone else was already near death and that they'd offered it. Guess the poor soul died this mornin'."

"At least it was healthy enough for them to do so."

"I guess." Gajeel coughed. 

"She's gonna need you when she wakes up." Natsu said walking to the waiting room exit. "Trust me." He walked out. Gajeel sighed and yawned. He fought sleep while he waited to be called in about Levy, but he passed out anyways.

Levy felt the tears in her eyes before she even had them open. She was in pain, and lots of it. She looked around and there was no one around. The only noise was the sound of her heart on the machine next to her. She panicked at tried to speak, only a faint whisper escaping her lips. 

She sat there for about two minutes before the door opened. Tears streamed from her eyes and his figure was hard for her to make out, but she knew his voice. "Levy..." He said. She heard his steps make their way to her bedside. "Baby," He touched her and she felt warmth in her hand, "You're okay."

"G-Gajeel." She choked out. "Yo-you're okay." The tears began falling faster as she remembered the hell she'd been living in her dream world. Gajeel's death to save her. Dreams of him being there with her, watching her, but she never remembered. She somehow ended up seeing an overhead view of her sitting alone on a couch with his spirit beside her. She was terrified. 

"Gihihi. Shrimp, you've been dreamin' too long. I've been fine fer a day now." 

He wiped away her tears and she could see him clearly. She loved his face so much. She reached out and touched his cheek, "I love you." She whispered. It was quiet, of course. Her voice was still very cracked and would be for a week at least. 

"I love ya too, Levy." He replied giving her a smirk. "Now get some rest. You need it, I'll be right here. I promise. I'm not going anywhere."

Levy nodded and closed her eyes. Her chest ached a little as she slipped into sleep again.

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