Chapter 10

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Gajeel woke up in a hospital bed. His side ached and his heart was racing. He was afraid, not for himself but for Levy. "Levy?" He said sitting up. He heard a machine beeping off to his side and there laid Levy with her parents at her side. He looked over and saw Natsu and Lucy staring in the windows at them. He made eye contact with Natsu who looked away almost instantly. 

"I-I'm scared." Levy's mother said hugging her husband. "We can't lose her."

"I know baby, just calm down." He said petting her hair. He looked over at Gajeel with a frown. "Who are you?"

Gajeel sighed and looked forward, "Gajeel Redfox," He spoke quietly, afraid if he spoke any louder Levy wouldn't make it. "Yer daughter's boyfriend."

"Who did this to you both?!" He asked seeming a little angry. 

Gajeel didn't reply.

"Drake!" Levy's mother scolded her husband and looked at Gajeel. "I'm sorry for his behavior. We're both worried about our daughter. Thank you for bringing her home."

"It's not a problem." Gajeel replied as a doctor walked in. Gajeel just wanted to get out of the damn bed and off the machines. They were making him nervous. "Yo, doc, can I go now?" He asked and the doctor glanced at him. 

"You lost a lot of blood Mr. Redfox." He replied as he walked across the room to the McGardens. "You can get up and about but you can't leave the hospital."

Gajeel swung his legs over the side of the bed and stood stretching. He winced when his side felt like it was being stabbed again, he sat down again as the doctor spoke. "Mr. and Mrs. McGarden, I'm afraid your daughter isn't going to live without a heart transplant." He said.

Gajeel's heart nearly stopped. The sobs from Levy's mother nearly killed Gajeel inside. He looked at the doctor as he continued, "The closest heart we have ready won't be here for another day or two and we don't know if she'll make it until then."

Gajeel shot up and walked towards the doctor slamming him against the wall, "Get it here faster." He growled, "She needs it." He pointed back at Levy. His side betrayed him and he fell in pain as the doctor brushed off his coat.

"There is no way we can get it here any faster, Mr. Redfox." 

Gajeel looked at Levy's crying parents and his heart was breaking even more for his dying lover. He looked at the doctor, who looked helpless. Gajeel looked at his friends in the hall. He looked back at Levy. "I'll save ya, shrimp. I'll be your savior."

Bookworm's Savior {Gajevy}{Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now