Chapter 14

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Levy laid beside Gajeel as he slept beside her. He had a slight snore which she found really adorable, but for some reason she felt she couldn't sleep tonight. She had fallen asleep shortly after Gajeel but she'd woken up feeling sick and like something was wrong. She let out a sigh and snuggled into Gajeel's bare chest.

Levy gasped when Gajeel's arms wrapped around her tightly like she was a teddy bear, or like he was afraid if he let go she'd disappear. She was used to this but with her sick feeling, she really didn't want the life squeezed out of her.

Levy sighed and looked at the clock. She had exactly two hours before it was six in the morning and she was really hoping she'd be able to sleep by then. She and Gajeel had a lot to do, their wedding was tomorrow. Last minute adjustments were always fun.

What if you're pregnant?

Levy blinked and stared at her sleeping fiancé. She nibbled her bottom lip and then slipped out of his arms, which woke him. "Levy?" He mumbled sleepily.

"I'm okay." She said in a fake tired tone. "I just need to use the restroom." She got out of the bed and slipped on her slippers and then a robe. She shuffled into the bathroom so the half asleep Gajeel would believe that she had just woken up, when clearly she'd been up an hour at least.

Levy closed the bathroom door behind her and she looked around the drawers until she found her pregnancy tests. She had used one of the few in a box a few weeks after her and Gajeel had first been together in the sort of manner, and she had hidden the others away. She pulled them out and glanced at the door. The bedroom light clicked on, obviously her sleepy acts didn't work.

"Shrimp." Gajeel knocked on the door.

"I'm trying to use the restroom." She replied through the door.

She heard him sigh. "Alright but hurry up."

Levy took a deep breath and held the unused tests in her hand.

Gajeel crossed his arms in front of his chest as he leaned against the wall next to the bathroom. He looked around his room. There were bookshelves everywhere now. He smiled looking at them. It was a daily reminder that he had the cutest and smartest girl in the world living with him.

And about to marry me.

He tapped his foot as he yawned. Levy was taking longer than he thought. He was about to knock again when he heard a gasp and something fall to the floor. Make that a two somethings.

"Levy!" Gajeel knocked then opened the door. He saw Levy sitting on the floor, nearly in tears. "Hey, hey, what's wrong?" He knelt down and held her to his chest. He looked over and saw a small stick on the ground.

That can't be what I think it is...

He reached out and picked it up.

Well shit.

The small thing was a pregnancy test like he thought and on it showed a small plus sign. Levy had started crying in his chest. "Oi, calm down, shrimp." He began running his fingers through her hair and held her closer as he threw the stick back on the ground.

"Ga-Gajeel I don't know if I'm ready for that." She cried.

"It'll be okay. We can go to the doctor and have it confirmed. Those things mess up sometimes. Even if you are, it ain't gonna be a problem. You have a pretty solid job at the bookstore and you're in college and I start on the police force in two weeks. We'll be able to provide for the kid."

"B-but Gajeel..."

"No buts, pipsqueak. I said I'll always take care of ya and this is part of it. Now let's get back to bed. You need to sleep. You've been up a while."

Gajeel stood, scooping Levy up in his arms as he did so. She wrapped her arms around his neck as he carried her back to their bed. He slipped her robe off of her and took her slippers and threw them to the ground. He clicked the light off and climbed in the bed beside her. She instantly snuggled into his chest.

Gajeel smirked "Gihi, I love you." He wrapped his arms around his small fiancée.

"I love you too." She said. She sniffled then snuggled in closer. He watched her as she fell asleep in his arms within ten minutes.

Too cute.

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