Chapter 6

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Levy sat in her living room reading a book with her legs stretched across most of the couch. Her mother had bought her the new book she lost the night she was attacked. She was enjoying the book but she had to keep rereading some pages because she didn't understand what was going on. It wasn't because the story was complex or confusing, her mind just kept drifting.

"Levy!" Her mother shouted at her. Levy's head looked up slowly from her book. "I asked what you wanted for dinner. Jeez, ever since you came home from the hospital you've been so distant."

"Must be the head trauma." Levy mumbled putting her book down. She swung her legs over the side and stood up. She smiled at her mom. "Anything will work. I enjoy most foods. You know that."

"Alright..." her mother walked away and back into the kitchen.

Levy sighed thinking of Gajeel again. She leaned against the couch and thought for a minute.

Maybe I can go see him. I know where he is, I saw the outside and it isn't too far from the bookstore. I just need to see him again. I need to clear things up between me and him, I need to know he knows how I feel.

Levy walked to her room quickly. She threw open her door and quickly changed her clothes. She threw on her favorite orange dress and slipped on her orange flats to go with it. She fixed her hair in her the mirror real quick and ran into her mother on the way out. She smiled at her.

"Where are you going?" She asked her daughter.

"I need to go meet someone." Levy told her mother opening the front door.

"A boy?"

"Maybe..." Levy rushed out the door before her mom could ask her anymore questions.

Gajeel woke up to a knock at his door. He blinked a few times, "Lily, get that!" he yelled rolling over in his bed. "Lily?!" He growled sitting up. He stumbled into the living room in his boxers. Lily wasn't there, or anywhere else in the apartment. "Damn cat." He mumbled walking to the door.

Gajeel unlocked the door slowly and opened it even slower. He yawned looking at the person outside the door, it took him a moment the realize that it was the small blunette he hoped wouldn't come back to him. "L-Levy?!" He asked surprised. "What are you doing here?"

Levy smiled looking up at him, "Well, I needed to talk to you." She replied. Gajeel looked her over, she looked amazing in orange.

Gajeel sighed knowing her couldn't send her away, not like he thought she would go. She seemed stubborn. "Alright. Let me go put pants on." He opened the door wider and walked into his room and put on a pair of jeans. He walked out slipping a shirt on and he looked at Levy who sat on the couch looking down at her hands in her lap. "Well?"

"I, um, need to know something." She looked up at him and the look in her eyes made him feel warm. She didn't need to say it because her eyes were betraying her. She loved him, just like he loved her. But it was wrong and he didn't deserve her. He couldn't protect her, he almost failed that just like her failed Sara.

"Alright, shoot. I ain't got all day, shorty." He leaned against the kitchen counter watching her.

She just stared at him for a moment then a blush washed up on her face, "I l-love you." She stuttered at last. Gajeel just bit his lip them stood up straight and walked over to Levy. "Aren't you going to say anything?" She asked.

"Nope." He said rudely. "Because if I do we both are going to make horrible mistakes." He took her arm making her stand up. He wasn't very gently about because he really wanted her to leave. "We can't be together, and I know that's what you want."

Levy yanked her arm away from him. He saw the tears in her eyes. "You can't tell me that you don't feel the strange connection between us too! I'm not crazy! Please Gajeel..." She looked down at the floor.

Gajeel sighed and placed his hand under her chin. He lifted her head up so that she was looking up at him, tears already stained her cheeks which broke his heart. "Levy, I am not doing this to hurt you-,"

"Then why?!" She yelled shoving him away. She started to fall and Gajeel pulled her in to a hug. "Let me go." She sounded bitter.

"Because I love you too, and these feelings came over me almost instantly. I didn't understand them, but I didn't want you to end up like the last girl I loved. She died because I couldn't protect her." He held her tighter and she looked up at him. "I'm sorry, we-,"

He was cut off by her warm lips pressing against his. He blinked as she kissed him passionately. He closed his eyes kissing her back just as passionately. Once they broke apart, they were both breathless. "See," She said between each breath. Her eyes met his and she smiled, "Take that as a Levy gives no shits."

Gajeel blushed slightly looking away from her. "Levy..."

"Nope." She pulled away from him and crossed her arms in front of her chest. "You are going to accept your damn feelings and you aren't going to do this to me! I know it's selfish but I love you Gajeel! I don't need you to protect me. I can take care of myself and you will be my back up. Let me be with you."

Gajeel sighed in defeat, "Fine." He looked at the door, "But we're taking this slow."

Levy gave him a huge smile that made him grin. "I knew I wasn't crazy." She hugged him tightly.

Such warm hugs and her lips were so soft and warm too. This is nothing I felt with Sara.

"Yeah, well you gotta get home." He looked out the window behind her. "The sun is going to be going down soon and I don't want to find you dying in the streets again. So shoo shoo shrimp." He gently pushed her towards the door. "Come over whenever, just not at night."

Levy nodded and walked to the door. "I'll see you tomorrow." She opened it and gave him a smile. She left and Gajeel closed the door.

"Damn..." He looked around as he locked the door. He threw himself on the couch once he walked back over to the living room.

She makes me feel powerful.

He relaxed on the couch and started to drift into sleep, Levy stayed on his mind.

Bookworm's Savior {Gajevy}{Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now