Chapter 4

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"Oi, shrimp." Gajeel peeked into the bedroom from the hallway of his apartment. "You up yet? We have a busy day ahead of us."

Levy smiled at him putting her book down, "I've been waiting for you to come in all morning!" Levy said swinging her legs over the side of the bed slipping her feet into her shoes.

"Coulda told me you were up, shrimp." He mumbled as she walked to him. She looped her arm in his and smiled up at him. He looked away from her.

Levy sighed, she'd been trying but he didn't want to be close to her. She'd left her family to join his gang, which he hated the idea, and she was falling for him fast. She wanted to be with him and he avoided her like she was a deadly disease. She didn't understand why he was so hard headed on the whole "relationship" idea.

"Levy, wake up." He said.

Levy chuckled, "I'm already up." She smiled.

"Levy! Come on you're okay right?!" It was Jet's voice and she fell into darkness. She opened her eyes, her body feeling numb. She looked over and the orange haired teen smiled at her, "Levy, you're okay!"

"Where am I?" She questioned her friend. She glanced around seeing Droy and Lucy.

"The hospital." Lucy said. That's when Levy noticed the beeping of the machine next to her. "You're parents are on their way."

Levy nodded, she sat up feeling hardly any pain in her ribs unlike she when she stayed at Gajeel's. They drugged me. Damn doctors...

She looked out the window in her room that led to the hallway. Cops stood there talking to the doctors. She swallowed as they turned and looked at her. The female cop with scarlet colored hair made eye contact with her she looked away quickly. She glanced back over seeing her and the blue haired cop coming in.

"Could you kids give us a moment?" The woman said in a stern, yet kind, voice. She gave them a small smile and Levy's friends all filed out as the two cops stood at the side of Levy's bed. "I'm Officer Erza Scarlet and this is my partner Jellal Fernandes. We'd like to ask you a few questions on how you go these injuries and if you're at all connected with the man we found dead beside you."

Levy blinked, "Uh alright." She looked at Erza, "So ask away."

"Your name?"Erza asked as Jellal seemed to be writing everything they said down.

"Levy McGarden."


"Seventeen. Nearly eighteen."

"How did you received your injuries?"

Levy bit her lip thinking about it, "The man that was beside me did this to me. He hit me with a car two nights ago and beat my face pretty badly." Levy pointed to her less swollen black eye. "He also left me for dead in an alley. When he discovered he didn't finish the job, he came to finish me off. I killed him out of self defense." She said hoping they didn't see her lie.

"So that's also a yes to a connection?"


"Alright that's all." Erza turned around and Jellal flipped his book closed. He followed his partner put of the room and Lucy, Jet, and Droy all made with way back into her hospital room. Levy could've sworn she heard Erza say, "I'm positive that she didn't kill that man. She's too small and he was strangled." The rest of their conversation was inaudible to her.

Gajeel stumbled in the alley trying to keep his footing. "Damn!" He hit the wall and leaned against it. He watched as Natsu's car left his apartment building, which meant the flames for brains wasn't home. He thought of Levy hoping she made it to the hospital.

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