Chapter 8

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Levy woke up on a couch surrounded by white walls. There were no windows. One door stood at the opposite end of the room. Her head was pounding. Where am I? Wait, Sara... What did she want with Gajeel though?

"Levy? Is that your name?" A voice came from all around Levy. Her head protested to the loud noise. On top of how bright the room seemed, Levy wondered if that was how vampires felt in sunlight.

"What's it to you?" She replied rudely. She sat up on the couch and swung her legs over the side of it. Her feet were bare, and the cold tile under her feet made her gasp in surprise. She was not expecting a cold tile floor. She was used to waking up in her bedroom, with carpet. 

"Well this little note I'm writing that pierced jerk needs a name." She yelled. The room echoed and Levy covered her ears. "Oh, got a headache? I can make it worse!"

"Y-yes!" She cried not taking her hands off her ears. "It's Levy McGarden." She shut her eyes, hoping it would block out the noise. She felt like a small child. She felt helpless. The last time she felt this way was right before her and Gajeel became... well a couple. Right before she went to the hospital. 

Levy opened her eyes when she felt it was safe. She removed her hands from her ears and stood up. She made her way to the door, but about halfway if opened itself. That made her slow her pace. "I feel like you're on the other side of that door." Levy said. "Sara was it?"

She heard a laugh, "Yeah but I am not going to hurt you. Like I said, I only needed you to get his attention. He'll come to get you back, and when he does I'll kill him."

That made Levy run to the door and look around for her. There she stood beside the doorway in all black, her hood was pulled over her head. Levy could only see her jaw and lips.

Levy took a look around, she was in some kind of old warehouse. If she had to assume it was the one that hadn't been used in at least a decade. A perfect place to hold a murder. Levy sighed and looked at Sara again. 

She had a kind of sad smile on her face which, for some reason, made Levy feel a little bad for her. "Why do you want him dead?!" Levy questioned.

"Well, my sister is dead because of him. He promised me safety. He promised me freedom. He promised he would take out my attacker, so instead my sister died for it. The man, Cobra I think it was, was in his gang before he decided to start assaulting girls on the streets at night. One night, I found my sister dying in the alley, my twin if you must know. She said some man jumped her, telling her he was going to finish his job. He called her by my name. So, that's when I knew that bastard was never going to keep his promise. I helped my sister to his apartment, laid her down in his bed and waited until she fell asleep. That's when I killed my own sister. I've been planning this revenge against him for three years." 

"I don't understand this..." Levy looked at her horrified. "You killed your own sister in order to...?"

"Trick him into thinking I was dead." She stood up taller and walked passed Levy. "I thought I loved him, but really I realized I was just using his strength to protect myself from people. But, but when I saw my sister laying there... I knew no one was going to protect me except for myself. Gajeel Redfox must pay for what he has done."

"He would've kept that promise!" Levy yelled. She was furious. "Gajeel isn't a liar! He kept it to me! You could've saved you sister..." She glared at Sara, who couldn't see it, but Levy knew she could still tell she was glaring. Sara spun and slapped Levy.

Levy's hand pressed against her cheek as she held the glare on the girl, "It's called guilt Ms. McGarden. I know he loved me. Watching him all these years, being in pain, being cold hearted, it was all really funny. Then you came along and forced him into happiness he'd been denying. You told him to stop denying his feelings for you. That's when I decided it was finally time to take him down. Now that I think about it," She shoved Levy back into the white room, she fell on her butt. She looked up at Sara who then slammed the door. "I'm sorry, but I will hurt you again."

"What?" Levy stood up and looked around the white room. 

"When he gets here, you'll die first."

"You followed the black figure?" Gajeel asked into his phone. 

"Yeah, she had someone with her, and if you hadn't picked someone so short to date, I wouldn't have thought it was Levy." Natsu replied in his ear. "Make sure she isn't home, and well, if she isn't head over to the, not-so-abandoned, warehouse."

"Alright." Gajeel said. He hung up and looked down at Pantherlily. "Fly me over to Levy's."

Pantherlily nodded and picked up Gajeel and flew him quickly over to Levy's house. 

Please be there...

Gajeel peeked in Levy's bedroom where, by ten fifteen, she should've been sleeping. Her bed was empty and the lights were on in her house. He could hear her mother and father fighting about something, the only thing he could make out clearly was "It's your fault she left!"

Gajeel glanced at his exceed who looked sad, "She ain't here." He said. "We need to head to that warehouse." 

The exceed nodded and picked up Gajeel, flying him quickly over to the warehouse to meet up with Natsu and Lucy. "I really hope that this person has her." Lily said on that way there. "I mean, sure it's bad someone kidnapped her, but at least you'll know where she is."

"Lily yer making it worse. Just shut yer damn mouth, cat." Gajeel said extremely irritated that someone had Levy. He knew it. His heart was racing. Gajeel loved Levy more than he had loved anyone else, even Sara. Levy was his one and only true love. 

And I swear, if anything happens to her, someone is going to be one sad son of a bitch. People should really think before touching a man's shrimp. 

"Metal face," Natsu said as soon as Gajeel landed beside him. "I'm pretty sure she's in there."

"Yeah?" Gajeel peeked in a window. He was surprised to see that same hooded woman from before in there. "I knew that chick was shady." He watched as she pushed open a door. She leaned up beside it and a few moments later, there was Levy. They were having some kind of conversation. "She's in there!" Gajeel almost hit the window but Natsu stopped him.

"We will not be able to help her if you give us away, idiot." He said, using his brain for once. 

Gajeel continued watching the two women. The hooded woman ended up in front of Levy and she spun and slapped her. Gajeel's blood boiled, "Do we have a plan yet?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"No." Lucy said tiredly. 

And Levy was back in the room now. Gajeel could no longer see her, but the hooded woman walked away towards somewhere else. 

Shrimp, I'm going to save you again.

"Well...?" Lucy was staring at Gajeel who was far too angry to pay attention to what the blonde was saying. 


Lucy sighed and repeated the plan to the now listening Black Steel Gajeel Redfox. Gajeel cracked his knuckles as she finished speaking, but then the door beside them swung opened and the hooded woman gasped in surprise. Gajeel pounced her in a matter of seconds. 

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