Chapter 3

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Gajeel leaned against the wall of his apartment building. "Fuck!" He screamed thinking about what just happened. "I almost kissed her adorable little ass. What is wrong with me?!" He spammed his head into the building wall and then sighed.

"What's wrong?" Someone said beside him. He jumped and turned seeing Wendy's exceed. "You seem startled."

"I didn't expect you to be there, Carla." He mumbled putting his hands in his pockets and walking out of the alley. He kicked a rock that was on the sidewalk as he walked. He heard the cat's wings flap behind him. "What do ya want?" He hissed.

"You seem testy today, but I was curious on what was going on with you." Her voice was annoying Gajeel, he hoped she would catch on with the fact that he wanted to alone. He didn't even have Lily with him.

"Would ya get yer little white butt outta here?" He asked rudely turning to her. She nearly flew into him. "I'm ain't in the mood."

"Hmph." She crossed her arms in front of her chest. "Rude." She flew away and Gajeel stepped into the street. The sun started setting and he sighed. Did I really spend that long waiting for the shrimp to wake up?

Gajeel walked a while down the street, until he heard a scream. "Who...?"

"Help!" The voice yelled.


Levy swung her legs over the side of the bed. She was not staying here, she needed to get away before that happened again. Though next time he might actually kiss me. She blushed then ran into the bathroom throwing water on her face.

She looked around the bathroom. It was cleaner than the bedroom. She was surprised to actually see the toilet seat down, he father and brother always forgot to put it down. She nibbled her lip nervously, wondering if her family was worried about her. She didn't want to wait.

Looking at herself in the mirror she wondered if she would get yelled at by her parents. Surely she wouldn't. They'd be glad she was home. She lifted her shirt and saw the bandages that covered her torso. Great, my mom is going to rush me to a doctor too.

She then touched the one on her head. She sighed then walked out of the bathroom. She saw her flats resting beside the bed. She quickly slid them on her feet and rushed out of the bedroom. Her sides ached but she just wanted to get away. She peeked out to the living room to see the exceed sleeping on the couch. No one else seemed to be in the apartment.

Levy let out a her breath, not realizing she had been holding it in the first place. She opened the front door and closed it as slowly and as quietly as she could. She knew if the exceed woke up he'd either try to stop her or follow her.

Levy walked down the hallway passing the apartment doors. She found the elevator but freaked when it dinged telling her someone was about to step out. She did not want to be caught leaving, she knew Gajeel wouldn't want her to. She quickly dashed to the stairwell instantly regretting it. About three steps down she lost her footing and tumbled down to the fifth floor.

"Ow..." She got up slowly rubbing the back of her head and feeling the pain in her broken ribs become greater. "The doctor doesn't sound so bad now."

The blunette took each step slower now, holding the railing tightly. She did not want to fall again. When she reached the lobby the man behind the desk looked at her funny. She gave him a soft smile and turned away from him. There was a small buzzing in the lobby from people talking to one another, but when it grew almost completely silent Levy turned around. She threw her hands in front of her face shielding it from and blows he might give her.

She saw his face this time, she probably wouldn't have know it was him if he didn't have the smell of leather from his car. She remember it. Looking at his face she was terrified. He had a scar over his eye and it was shut. He had sort of spiky hair that was pretty short. His smirk scared Levy. "Come on, I've been looking for you." He said grabbing a handful of her hair.

Levy cried out as he dragged her behind him. She stumbled trying to keep up with him as he left the building. "Help!" She screamed clawing at his hand with her finger nails. Once she made it out the door with him the street lamps were flickering on. Round two, and no one was going to find her this time. All her fears crept up to her mind at once as he opened the door to his car.

He let go of her hair and Levy fell to her knees. "Help!" She screamed again and he slapped her.

"Shut-up!" He yelled at her. "Get in." He demanded. Levy shook her head and he grabbed her hair again, but she heard the footsteps coming up behind them. Before Levy knew it she was on her knees again, fresh tears in her eyes. She felt her cheek starting to swell under her black eye he had given her the night before.

"Don't touch her!" Gajeel hissed staring down at the man. "Cobra," he picked him up by the shirt. "I shoulda known it was you." He slammed him against the car.

"Gajeel," Cobra chuckled and looked down at Levy who winced in terror. "I'm gonna finish what I started, just like I did with Sara."

Sara? Who's Sara?

Levy noticed Gajeel's anger spike. He slammed Cobra against the car again knocking the breath out of him. Levy watched, terrified. When Gajeel's hand wrapped around his neck Levy stood quickly. She wrapped her small arms around him, ignoring the pain in her ribs as she pulled him away the best she could. "S-stop Gajeel!" She cried.

"Why?!" He asked looking back at her, his hand still wrapped around Cobra's neck, who struggled to breathe.

"If you kill him you'll go to jail!" She started crying. Why am I crying? What are these feelings I'm feeling for him? I've only known him a day.

Gajeel laughed as Levy heard the sirens in the distance. "It's about time they caught me." He mumbled letting Cobra's lifeless body go. He turned and looked down at her. "But thanks for worrying about me, shrimp." He placed his hand on her head.

Levy stared up into his eyes, the pain becoming too unbearable for her. She was feeling weak and that's when everything went black and she fainted, falling back.

"Shit!" Gajeel yelled reaching out and catching Levy. "Shrimp!" He held her then threw her over his shoulder seeing the lights flashing. I gotta get her somewhere safe. Cops, cops come with ambulances. They can take care of her.

Gajeel quickly laid her against the car beside Cobra. He looked up as a cop car stopped. He dashed into the alley heading for Natsu's place. Damn it. He looked back down the alley to see the female cop check Levy's pulse. "Until we meet again." He whispered before continuing his run.

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