Chapter 13

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Levy smiled as she snuggled into Gajeel's side. He smelled so good. She found it hard to believe, but six months before she was scared for his life and her own and now she was sleeping beside him. After the accident with Sara, who they discovered later was her heart donor, Levy moved in with Gajeel. Levy figured it was time to leave home and Gajeel was being very protective of her. She didn't mind. It meant she could be closer to him.

"I love you." She whispered looking at him while he slept. He looked so peaceful while he slept. It made her happy. He didn't seem to have a worry in his life anymore now that she was living with him. He woke up to her every morning, which she figured he loved. She closed her eyes for a moment.

"I love you too," she heard a sleepy mumble and she was pulled closer to Gajeel's chest. She squeaked a little when he hugged her tightly. She opened her eyes and looked up. His crimson eyes met hers and she blushed brightly. "Yer adorable, bookworm." He smirked.

Levy blushed brighter, "And you're sweeter than you appear." She replied taking in his scent. She would never tire of it. He smelled so good to her. A mix of metal and shampoo. She giggled.

"Whatcha laughin' at, shrimp?" He asked a bit surprised but his sleepy voice just made her giggle more.

"Nothing." She said once she finally caught her breath. "I'm just happy. I have the best boyfriend in the world."

"Oi, don't get carried away." He said sitting up. She frowned at him as her head slipped into his lap.

"I'm not. I don't know of many guys that would risk his own life to save a girl like me."

He raised an eyebrow and smirked, "Well those guys are crazy then." He leaned down and kissed Levy on the lips. She was thrown off at first but she returned the kiss. "You're too adorable to leave lost and alone with crazy, "dead", exs." He went to kiss her again, but before he could there was a knock at the door.

"Gajeel!" Natsu yelled from the other side.

The couple sighed together. "Yes?" Gajeel replied annoyed.

"Me an Luce are leavin', make sure you lock up when you leave."

"Oka-ay." He replied rolling his eyes. Levy smiled and sat up.

"Gotta love those two." She smiled at him.

"I only say love when I refer to you and my cat. I have an annoyance towards the flame brains and his Blondie girlfriend."

"And we're living with them why?"

"Cause they're always here anyways."

"Good point." She smiled again but he kissed her softly making her blush brightly.

Gajeel stared at himself in the bathroom mirror. He looked at his crimson eyes, his black hair, and his many piercings. What did the sweet, innocent, and adorable bookworm want with him? How could she love him? He wasn't at all attractive, he was a rough guy, and wasn't too nice either. Except to her...

Gajeel nibbled his lip slightly before he stepped out into his bedroom where Levy sat on the end of their bed. She'd been living there three months now. Three months after the attack, and as soon as she was fully recovered, he spoke with her and her parents and they decided to move her in. Her parents loved him.

"Gajeel..." She said looking up at him. "Do you love me?"

He blinked and glared at her slightly, "What kind of stupid question is that?!" He replied.

Her eyes were full of tears, he hadn't noticed them before. But as soon as he had replied they spilled from her eyes. She stood up quickly and went to run out the door, which was closed. She was almost there when he reached out and grabbed her arm. He tugged her over to him and hugged her tightly.

"Gajeel, let me go." She whispered.

"No." He said hugging her tighter. "Of course I love you. I've loved you for a long time." He looked down at her. She cried into his chest. She looked up, her chocolate eyes teary. "Don't cry." He whispered wiping away her tears with his thumbs.


"There is no reason." He gave her a soft smile.

"I feel like a burden."

"You aren't and never were." He kissed her forehead and she hugged him tightly. "Yer my shrimp. I'll protect ya with my life and I mean that. One day, you won't even be a McGarden anymore. You'll be a part of the Redfoxes, and that is one thing I can tell you is certain. That, and that I love you with all my heart."

Levy looked up at him with loving eyes. "You mean...?"

He smirked and walked her over to the bed. He sat her down and then walked over to his dresser. He looked through his top drawer then pulled out a small ring box. He walked over to her and knelt down. He smiled at her, "I was gonna wait until we were in a more formal place."

Levy gasped, new tears filling her eyes. "Gajeel..."

"Yer gonna be twenty in seven months, so I think we should get married before that, if you'll be my fiancée."

Levy blushed brightly. "Of course Gajeel!" She said happily. She stood up and he slipped the ring on her finger. He kissed her and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She lost her balance and the fell onto the bed. She blushed brighter.

He went to get up but she held him there. "Gajeel..."


She just stared at him. It took him a moment to catch on, but he blinked. "Ya sure?"

She nodded biting her lip.

Gajeel smiled at her softly, "Ya know," He said leaning down over her more. "I'm just as inexperienced as you..." He kissed her.

Bookworm's Savior {Gajevy}{Fairy Tail}Where stories live. Discover now