Chapter 2

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Levy woke up in a strange bed. Her head was pounding and her body ached as she sat up. She put her hand on her ribs and looked around. The room was messy. Clothes were all over, trash. She could still see the floor, so it wasn't hoarders messy. She took a deep breath swinging her legs over the side of the bed. They also ached but as she stood up it didn't hurt nearly as much as she thought it would.

Levy slowly made her way to the door, she was starving and wanted to get home. Her parents were probably worried about her. However, before she reached the bedroom door she heard a toilet flush and a tall man with long raven colored hair walked out of the bathroom. He had piercings all over his face. Instead of eyebrows he had studs lined there, they also trailed down his nose and his arms.

"Oi," he said with a bit of surprise. Levy froze scared of him. "Yer okay, shrimp?"

The nickname irritated her, "I'm not a shrimp! And I'm perfectly fine!" She yelled at him. Yelling caused her ribs to cramp and she cried out in pain grabbing the sides of her chest. She fell to her knees fighting back tears.

"Yer not fine." He walked to her and tried to help her up but she shoved him away. "So much for a thanks," he mumbled.

"Don't touch me." She glared at him. "For all I know, you work with him!"

"With who?"

"The man who hurt me..." She cried as the pain in her ribs intensified. She curled up into a small ball on the floor. "It hurts." Tears streamed from her eyes.

The man sighed and picked her up, even though she didn't want him to. There wasn't much she could do to stop him. "I am not working with him." He said quietly as he laid her in the bed. "I found ya on the street, pretty banged up, so I brought ya back to my apartment." He gave her a gentle smile which looked weird, but attractive on him. She saw him as a tough, badass type of guy.

Levy felt a sudden comfort as he sat beside her and pushed some of her hair behind her ear. "Th-thank you." She said as she started to cry. She sat up the pain shooting up her body, but she didn't care. She felt... Safe with him.

"Do ya remember what he looked like?" He asked.

Levy blinked through her tears. He was showing her no comfort, she just hugged him. She didn't even know his name, "Why do you ask?" She clinged to him afraid to let go. She felt like if she did he would disappear and she'd be back in the alley, dying.

"So I can find him, and kick his ass for touching such a cute girl."

Levy blushed brightly, "I-I don't even know your name."

"Black Steel Gajeel." He replied. "Now who did this to you?" He didn't care to ask her name. She didn't object, he seemed like the type who didn't like getting attached. Levy thought a moment, his name sounded familiar. She jumped away from him which made her body ache and she cried out in pain. "Oi, what's wrong , shrimp?" He asked giving her a worried look.

"Y-you're in that dragon gang! You're their leader!" She looked around frantically before she started hyper ventilating and eventually passed out, falling into the soft pillows.

Gajeel sighed looking at the small girl. Ugh, women. He stood up and walked to the door and his exceed came in. "How's the girl?" Pantherlily asked looking up at him. "She still alive?"

Gajeel glared at the cat, "She's alive. She'll make it, Wendy already said so." He crossed his arms in front of his chest and leaned against the door frame staring down at the cat.

"Did you get her name?" Lily hopped up on the bed.

"I, uh..." He sighed. "I didn't think to ask." He looked down the hallway. He heard the front door open, then close. "Was that Natsu?"

"Yeah," Lily said. "He's heading to Lucy's. Now back on subject... Why didn't you ask her?"

"Yer just being snoopy. I have no need for her name to kick that bastard's ass that did this to her. I'll take him down, make sure she'll be safe again, and then I'll send the shrimp on her way home. I'm not keeping her here. I can't get attached to another person. It won't happen, not after what happened last time. Plus I get a feeling this is the same guy."

Lily was silent and Gajeel looked over seeing him look the small blue haired girl over. "She is pretty." He curled up beside her and yawned, "Plus, if it is the same guy won't you struggle finding him? You never found him last time..."

"Shut-up cat!" Gajeel suddenly felt anger and guilt, knowing the last girl, Sara, had died because he got too close to her and didn't make taking the man down that had nearly killed her a priority. This time Gajeel would make things right, and send the poor girl on her way. This girl probably had a family that cared about her, just like Sara.

He heard a small yelp, which broke Gajeel from his thoughts. He looked over and saw the small blue haired woman sitting up, hugging his exceed to death. "You're so cute! Oh my gosh I've only ever read about exceeds in my books! They usually stay away from humans. Eeeep where did you get him?!" She looked up at Gajeel, who felt mesmerized by her bright eyes. He was speechless. She was clearly in pain, but hugging up on his exceed was more important to her.

"Uh, he came to me." Gajeel said.

"Le-let me go." The exceed choked out.

"Oh, sorry!" She smiled at him. "I got over excited." She looked at her hands which she had in her lap now. Why am I feeling so guilty about her condition? I didn't do this to her! But I also didn't save Sara or stop the man who hurt both of them...

"Ready to answer my question?" Gajeel asked from the door. Lily hopped down from the bed and out of the room he went. Gajeel assumed it was because he wanted to give them privacy, but he also thought part of it might be he didn't want to be choked again.

The small woman had tears in her eyes which made Gajeel come closer and sit on the bed again. "I'm sorry I freaked out." She whispered. "I was scared and your gang terrifies the whole city."

"It's fine, shrimp."

"Levy," she looked up at him.


"Mine name is Levy. Not shrimp, and I'm not even really that small."

I didn't want yer name... "Okay, Levy, who did this to ya?"

"It all happened so fast." She cried. She was hugging him again. "I-I don't remember his face."

Gajeel wrapped his arms around the girl, "I got ya shrimp." He whispered in her ear. "I'm not going to let anyone touch yer pretty little face again. That's a promise." He looked down at her, their eyes locking. How do you get such beautiful eyes?

Gajeel's heart beat picked up seeing the trust in her watery eyes. Can I just... He didn't think he just placed his hand on her cheek, wiping her tears away with his thumb. Their eyes stayed locked.

He leaned forward bringing her small face up to his. He saw the small blush on her face, and when she didn't pull away, he did. He got up. "I'll find him." He mumbled, leaving Levy blushing brightly in the bed. The way she was staring at him told him that he could've kissed her if he really wanted to. Attachment, that was not something he'd allow with her. "I'll be back."

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