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Levy sighed as she watched her daughter, Luna, run across the park with her small friends. She as waiting for her idiot of a husband to show up and he was taking forever in her opinion. It also didn't help that she was feeling a little sick due to that small person growing her inside of her. She placed her hands on her small baby bump.

"Mommy!" Luna said. Levy blinked registering that her daughter was talking to her. "Mommy!" She said again.

"Shhh," Levy said rubbing her temple. "What is it sweetie?"She gave her a soft smile. 

"I picked you some flowers because maybe they will make you feel better!" She held a small bundle of purple and pink flower out to her mother.

Levy chuckled and took them. "Thank you, baby girl." She sniffed them as her daughter ran off. A small and familiar flying cat swooped down and picked her up making her laugh loudly as he flew her around in the sky. "Lily be careful!" She yelled a little nervous for her daughter.

"Oh he knows what he is doing." A deep voice said from behind her. Two arms wrapped around her from behind and his hands rested on top hers that were back on her stomach. Gajeel rested his chin on her shoulder. "Yer worrin' too much, shrimp."

Levy raised an eyebrow and looked at him, "Lily is a good cat and I trust him, I'm still going to worry. That's our daughter!"

"I know." Gajeel kissed her cheek, "But that is also our cat."

Levy sighed not wanting to argue this point to her very stubborn husband. She stood, "Can we get going now? I'm assuming you had everything taken care of?"

"Of course." Gajeel said smirking. He scooped up his pregnant wife and carried her. "Come on Lily!" The man shouted. The couple heard a giggle and Levy smiled wrapping her arms around her husband's neck. 

Gajeel wrapped his arm around Levy as she slept beside him. He wasn't tired at all. He really only sat there thinking. "She'd kill me if she knew I was still awake." He whispered to himself. He glanced at the clock beside his bed and it read three o'clock. Three in the morning and the cop, that ironically was once a gang member, was wide awake. He had to be at work in two hours.

"Gaje," he heard a small whispered beside him. He glanced over and Levy was looking sleepily at him. "Have you not slept?"

"Nah I have." He lied, smirking at her in the darkness. The only thing he could make out was the small smile she returned, but that was just because her teeth stuck out in the darkness.

"You shouldn't lie to me." She mumbled hugging him tightly. "I'm a light sleeper and I hear you talking to yourself in my dreams." She yawned and moved closer to him. The baby bump pressed up against Gajeel and he was shocked when he felt a small kick. He looked at his side as Levy groaned. "Mommy is going back to sleep, stop that." She moved one of her arms from Gajeel to her stomach. Gajeel smiled and pulled the blanket over his small bookworm more.

"I'll try to get some rest. Don't worry so much." He said snuggling up beside her. "I promise."

"Good." Levy mumbled before falling back asleep.

"How did Levy take it?" Natsu asked closing his locker beside Gajeel. 

Gajeel blinked and looked at Natsu, "Take what?"

"The fact that no one ever found out who took down her attacker from so many years ago."

"Oh." He sighed and scratched the back of his neck. "I didn't tell her that is what it came down to." He bit his lip knowing he was the one who killed Cobra all those years ago. They had finally called it a cold case. He was glad, but his guilty conscious still got to him sometimes. He was good at hiding it and he had too much to lose to just come out and say it. He barely got the people to look past the fact that he wanted to quit his "gang" ways and become a cop, even though his gang had calmed down about three years before he became one. He wasn't surprised they hadn't believed Levy's lie though. 

"You should." He smiled at his long time friend. "Also, Lucy and I are finally becoming parents!"

Gajeel groaned, "Took you long enough." He closed his locker. "Though I'm not sure how I feel on having little yous running around. One of you is enough."

Natsu laughed and the two walked off to start their patrols. 

The End.

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