What Now ?

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Chapter 6
Finns pov :
I watched as Rachel ran out . I never seen Rachel cry before I wonder what or who could've made her do that. I looked over and saw Puck . "Aren't you going to go after her?" I asked him but he just looked at me . I rolled my eyes got up and then went to go find Rachel. I walked into the auditorium because I knew she would be there thats always where she goes to think. I walked in and saw her at the edge of the stage crying. "Hey." I said. She wiped her tears quickly and said , "Hey. " I sat down next to her. "Were you crying?" I asked her . "Rachel Berry doesn't cry. " She told me. "I know your tough like that. " I said. She chuckled and wiped her tears. "So whats gotten you so upset?" I asked . "Noah we got into another fight." She said. "About what? " I asked putting my arm around her . "Sex. " She said . "Did he.... " "No , I stopped him before things got to out of hand and he got mad. " She said . "He's a jerk. " I told her . She smiled, "Yeah he's an ass. " She said and we laughed. She hugged me tightly and I said , "What now?" I asked her. "Talk to him . Figure out what were doing. " She said . "Do you think you'll break up?" I asked. "I don't know. " She said . "Well what ever happens just know I'll be here. " I told her. She smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek, "Thank you. " She said. "For what? " I asked her. She smirked, "Nothing, Everything. " She said. I smiled and said, "Your my best friend I wilk always be there. " I said. "Promise?" She asked. "I promise. " I told her. She smiled got up and then said , "Come on . " She said taking my hand . "Where too?" I asked . "An adventure. " She said and we left .

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