Breaking Point

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Chapter 15
Finns pov :
"Finn , Finn are you okay?" Rachel asked me . I was so in shock I could answer then finally I said , "No I gotta go. " I said and left. As I was in the car driving I felt as if nothing matter and then I look at the picture of Quinn , Rachel , and I in glee club and that when I broke down . I pulled over and started to cry uncontrollably. How could this happen? I asked myself. How could she do this to me ? I loved her so much and now that I think about it it all makes sense how could you even get pregnant in a hot tub? God I'm such a dumbass! I thought and then my phone rang . I looked at it and it was Quinn I didn't want to here what she had to say though so I turned the phone off . I wiped my tears and then thought of Rachel she has to be a wreck I need to go back and see her . I turned my blinker on and as I turned around I was hit by a car and then everything went black.

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