I Love You

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Chapter 34
( 5:55pm)
Rachels pov :
"Okay guys how do I look? " I asked Quinn , Santana, Brittney, Tina, Mercedes, and Kurt. "Magnificent." Kurt said. "Beautiful. " Quinn said . "Amazing." Brittney and Tina said . "Hott with two T's." Santana said. I laughed and said , "You think he'll like it ?" I asked. "He'd be crazy not too." Quinn said . I smiled and their was a knock on my bedroom door. "Thats him. " I said . "I'll get it ! " Kurt said and opened the door . "Hi Finn!" Kurt said . "Hey is Rachel in here?" He asked him . "Hi Finn." I said. He smiled and said, "Woah you look Woah." He told me. I smiled and blushed a little . "Thanks. " I said. "So are you ready ? " He asked me. "Yeah." I said. Quinn then handed me my purse and Finn took my hand . "Bye girls . " I said. "Bye!!!!!!!!" They all said and we left the house. "So where are we going ?" I asked him. "You'll see. " He said and we drove off . 20 minutes later we arrived at the boating docks . "What are we doing here?" I asked him. "Well this is where we are going on our date. " He said. "What do you mean?" I asked . He smiled and said, "Look to your left." He told me. I looked over and saw a sail boat with white lights on it. I smiled and said, "Its beautiful but how did you get it?" I asked. "Well its actually Quinns but she said we could us it." He told me. I smiled at him , "I love it . " I told him. "Good come on ." He said and we got onto the boat. "So you know how to drive this boat?" I asked him. "Well that why we have auto pilot ." He said and we set out. "Finn its so beautiful out here." I said to him . "I know but not as beautiful as you. " He said. I laughed , "Okay thats the cheesest pick up line I have ever heard. " I told him and we laughed. "But it was cute. " I told him. He smiled and leaned in , "Lets dance ." He told me. "We don't have any music. " I told him. "Yes we do. " He said. "Boys. " He said and then out of no where Noah, Sam , Artie , and Mike came out of the doors and started to sing. "My lady can I have this dance ?" He asked me. "Okay. " I said and took his hand and we started to dance . Later that night we were lying on a blanket when Finn turned to me and said , "Rachel." I looked at him. "Yeah Finn?" I asked. "Do you miss your dads?" He asked me . "Everyday." I told him. "Do you miss your dad? " I asked him. "I don't know I mean I do its just I never knew him its always just been me and my mom." He told me. "Is it nice?" I asked. "Whats nice?" He asked me. "Having a mom , I mean I don't have anyone I mean don't get me wrong I love Carol like a mom but I just want one of my own." I said. "You have one though." He said. "Who Shelby she doesn't love me ." I told him. "Don't say that , of course she loves you." He told me. "How do you know? " I asked. "Because she let you go to an amazing couple who loved you and if it weren't for her giving you up , you wouldn't have met me , and then I wouldn't have been able to say I love you Rachel Barbra Berry." He told me. I smiled and said, "I love you too Finn Christopher Hudson. " I told him. He smiled , "You just said that you love me. " He pointed out . "Thats because I do." I told him and I kissed him.

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