Start of a new school

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"If only things could get better" I thought to myself as my mum drove me to my new school, this was my third move and I wasn't too impressed with how my mum had chosen to raise me...

"Come on dear, perk up! You have another chance to start fresh" Mum says, work was too important to her I was surprised she drove me to school today. Maybe because she had promised this was the last move until I'm old enough to live on my own, my father isn't in the picture either. He left us when I was just a baby; I have more of a relationship with the maid than I do with my mum.

We arrive at the school and I quickly fix my hair in the mirror before getting out of the car, "Caggie you'll be fine" Mum reassures me,

Her words weren't so sweet but it made me feel that tiniest bit better. I get out of the car before anyone notices my mum in her flashy Mercedes car; she spins off clearly in a rush. That was my cue to make a run for it; I rush into the building and get into the class before anyone had noticed me. I didn't like attention although I did get alot of it.

I sit at my assigned seat for a few minutes before people start entering, I keep my head down low only putting my head up when I heard someone talking about me.

"Whoa check out that smoking hot girl sat over there" A boy says, I look up and there he was sat two tables away from me smiling towards me. He was gorgeous; the boy had long blonde hair that was perfectly styled. His uniform was messy like he didn't car, I could tell everyone wanted to be with him.

"Jones sit next to miss warlock please" the teacher says, I was miss warlock Caggie warlock to be exact. The beautiful boy stands up and sits next to me,

"Well I didn't think I'd be sitting next to the best looking girl in the room" he says,

"I'm Brad; did I say you were gorgeous?" Brad then says,

"Uh a few times yes, I'm Caggie" I reply,

"Well Caggie it's a pleasure" Brad then says. We all settle for the class to start and Brad begins passing me notes.

At the end of the school day I walk home alone, that’s how I liked it. I started to dislike Brad more and more as the day progressed; he became cocky once I started giving him my attention. I get home and barricade myself in my room, my mum wasn't home yet and I was glad she wasn't. It was a deadly silence when she was around, I enjoyed being on my own. I prefer the maid to mum; she's never been there for me. 

"Honey. I'm home and I've brought you some cute things for when you go out with your friends! “Mum shouts up the stairs, her money never brought me happiness but she seemed to think it did. I haven't even bothered to talk to anyone at school yet, I sat in the library at lunch and break and every lesson I seemed to be sat with Brad. 

The next few days people seemed to notice me more and I was making a few friends, I'd been ignoring Brad for two days now and he didn't like that one bit.

"Hey Caggie, there's a party this weekend. I was wondering if you wanted to come with." Rosie says smiling,

"Sure why not, if it'll get me out of the house for a few hours" I reply,

"Cool, well you can get ready at my house if you like" Rosie says looking excited,

"That sounds great, next time you can come to my house" I reply. 

At lunch the girls and I talk about the party this Saturday, the entire year was going to be there and everyone was excited to see what everyone was going to wear.

"I'm so excited girls, this is definitely going to be the party of the year" Rosie says smiling towards me,

"It’s been so long since I've been to a party" I say, the school day so ends and Rosie has decided to invite herself back to my house to talk outfits. 

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