The end (part one)

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It's been almost a year since I last uploaded to this but i'm finishing this now with a two part chapter, enjoy!


Things could have gone better, much better. I could be here now with my beautiful blue eyed boy and his father. Instead it wasn't like that, it was just me and little Jonah. My mum, she moved away as did I. Both parted our seperate just months after the birth of our children only now I was a 20 year old single mother with a four year old bundle of joy. Time had passed quickly, the first smile first steps first birthday first day at school. All memories for the book I was in the process of making for my boy.

Of course, I hadn't kept in touch with the dear friend I made. Rosie, she would be the same age now probably at uni enjoying her life. I wonder if she thought about me as much as I thought about her, I miss her. So much. I've been meaning to get in contact with her, let her meet my son. Let her know I'm okay and ask how she is doing. I'm sure i've missed out on so much since I left. My mum was due a visit soon, with her charming Isla-Rose. I loved my little sister, such an energetic child. she brought out the confident Jonah I loved.

It was a slow monday afternoon, I spent the morning tidying the apartment after taking Jonah to school. I had a few hours to myself before having to make a move again. Time to check my facebook, a couple of notifications as per usual. But a friend request. Oh. I eagerly clicked to see an unfamiliar name to a familiar face. 'Rosie Jones' Oh my, Rosie! She's married? I need to contact her right away. immdiately I accept the friend request and send a message.


To: Rosie Jones

From: Caggie Worlock

Message: My girl is married now? I think It's time we caught up don't you think?


I eagerly awaited a reply, I definitely needed this story in person. It would be good to see her. I noticed a red box from the corner of my eye, she was always quick to reply. I hurridely check the message, a grin spread across my face at the sight of Rosie's reply.


To: Caggie Worlock

From: Rosie Jones

Message: Yeah, a couple of months ago. I'm thinking we need to meet too, this weekend? If you're not busy that is.


I hit reply.


To: Rosie Jones

From: Caggie Worlock

Message: I'm free any time for you girl! You need to catch me up on all of this business, and of course you need to meet Jonah!


a ping sounded from my laptop a few minutes later, signalling someone wanted to IM with me. Of course it was Rosie.

Rosie: Ok so now I'm at a laptop, lets talk meeting.

Caggie: Of course, you still in LDN?

Rosie: Yeah! Where are you?

Caggie: Bristol, a couple of hours away from Chelsea.

Rosie: Oh. You know your mum is back here?

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