The aftermath

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I wake up practically naked the next morning; aware of what happened last night I instantly sit up to find that Brad was lying next to me asleep. I quietly get dressed and chuck my hair up; I grab my phone and make my way down the stairs. My mum picks me up and she drives me home, I had such a bad head and all I wanted was to sit in my room in the dark.

“So what did the wild girl get up to last night?” Mum asks,

“I’d rather not talk about it mum, I think it needs to be forgotten” I reply,

The drive was silent after our short conversation, when we get back I take some paracetomals and go to bed. I decide to leave the shower until I got a few hours’ sleep; I wake up at 2 o’clock feeling a lot better. I get into the shower and stand under the water for an hour.

“Caggs I made you something to eat” Helen shouts, I turn off the shower and chuck a fresh pair of pyjamas on.

“Ok I’m coming now” I reply, I wrap the towel around my head and make my way to the kitchen.

“So, was it a wild night?” Helen asks sitting down.

“Heck yes, I was so out of it. I wish I didn’t drink so much” I reply taking a bite into my chicken wrap.

“As long as you we’re careful Caggs” Helen says as she leaves the room

I eat my food in peace, until Rosie arrives. Here it comes; I’m bound to be flooded by questions now.

“I know you went off with Brad last night! Did you sleep with him?” Rosie asks with her smile beaming at me.

“Yes I did, and it was a mistake. I shouldn’t have I feel so used!” I reply,

Rosie sits down and eyes up my wraps

“You know I’m sure he did it with love and passion, I know how much he likes you” Rosie says,

“What are you his best friend or something?” I ask,

“No just his cousin, he tells me everything” Rosie replies feeling proud with herself.

I continue eating my food whilst Rosie goes on about her night; once I’ve finished eating I clean my plate and go upstairs. Rosie follows me still yapping on about her night,

“Ok Rosie, I think I get it. Let’s just be quiet, I’m still hung over” I say interrupting her.

“I know you are Caggs, but that’s what you get when drink a lot and have sex with Brad” Rosie replies, she was right but I didn’t want to ignore her so I ignore her.

Rosie was already planning next week’s events and my outfits; I joined her in my wardrobe whilst she went through clothes my mum had bought me last week. I watched Rosie as she talks to herself about my clothes.

“So next week let’s do something a little quieter, why don’t we get everyone together and go out for a meal” I say staring at her.

“Great, sounds like a great plan. We’re going out for lattes again tomorrow do you want to come?” Rosie asks,

“Sure why not” I reply, smiling at Rosie she enjoyed lattes.

“So are you well enough to make it into school tomorrow?” Rosie asks,

“Sure I am, I don’t know how I’m going to look decent or avoid Brad but I can do it” I reply.

“Ok then, well I only come here to see if you were ok. Do you want a lift to school tomorrow?” Rosie asks,

“Actually, yeah I do. Text me when you’re on your way in the morning” I reply.

Rosie leaves the house shortly after and I get back into bed and sleep through until morning, I wake up feeling refreshed I still looked like crap which wasn’t a good sign. I start off with breakfast and then my time in the bathroom, I brush my teeth and moisturise my face. My mum kicks me out of the bathroom at 8; I quickly put my hair into a nest and then get into my uniform. I slip on my shoes and put on a little bit of gloss and mascara; I pack my school bag and wait downstairs for Rosie.

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