Brad's POV

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-Brad's POV-

So let’s skip back six months where my life was completely normal before Caggie and before this mess, I had everything a girlfriend, more friends than I needed, the best education, and my family. Now Caggie Warlock had me in a hold with her beautiful looks and a baby inside her that’s my fault, I knew Caggie didn’t believe me when I told her I’d stick by her. But the truth is I didn’t believe myself either.

“Brad? Brad! Wake up” Rosie says shouting; I must have drifted off into a sleep.

“Ok ok, shut up you whiney bitch” I reply giving her a look.

“I don’t think your mum would appreciate that” Rosie says, giving me a grin.

“Ok whatever just please get out of my room” I reply pushing her away,

I was meet Caggie this morning for breakfast, she wasn’t herself lately she was quiet and distant. I wanted to talk about the baby. I finally managed to drag myself out of bed and put some decent clothes on, I brushed my teeth did my hair and was out of the door before even speaking to anyone in the house. I walked to the café just down the road and sit at the back by the window; I wanted to watch Caggie walk in.

“Hello” Caggie says quietly, she was looking good she wasn’t drained. She looked like Caggie, the Caggie I remember.

“Hey, how are you feeling?” I ask her,

“Fine, mum’s been keeping me up all night with her mood swings” Caggie replies,

“Really? Well you look fantastic” I say holding her hand,

“You’re a liar, I haven’t slept in days and all this stuff is making it all worse. I know I look like crap right now and you complimenting me is not going to make it better” Caggie replies taking her hand away from mine, I knew already I had done something wrong.

“And anyway you haven’t bothered with me in days, and now you want to take me out to a public place. I’m beginning to think you brought me to this dump because you got something to tell me” Caggie continues, she was right I hadn’t seen her in days I wanted to think all this stuff through. I didn’t bring her here to tell her anything to make her get madder than she is now I guess it was her hormones.

“Caggs, I’ve needed to think things through think about things I’ve said and I brought you here because I thought you’d like breakfast with me” I reply, that definitely wasn’t the best answer in the world.

“Spare me the crap, I know you don’t want to be involved and I know you’ve been avoiding me to try and get away from this but the truth is you’re not going to so, I’ll give you the choice to walk away from me now or you stand by me” Caggie says,

“I want to stand by you but I need time to think this through” I reply, I was definitely digging myself a deeper hole.

“You’ve had more time to think it through than Rosie has to do her hair! I’m done with you” Caggie says, she stands up and leaves the café.

I don’t bother to follow her, I decide to sit alone and think through our conversation. I really was thinking a lot these days but with the mess we’re in it’s better than reality, after two days pass I go to Caggie’s house in hope that her mum was there to sort this out with us. Caggie was stubborn and it wasn’t going to be easy trying to get her to talk to me civilly.

“Hey I was wondering if I could talk to you.” I say when Caggie’s mum opens the door; her baby bump scared me in a few months Caggie would be like that too.

“Sure, Caggie told me everything. How can I help?” Caggie’s mum replies,

Caggie’s mum leads me inside and we sit in the kitchen, Caggie was out with Rosie so I had picked my time perfectly.

“Well, I want to be there for Caggie but it feels like she’s pushing me away and the more I try the more it’s breaking us apart. I know we’re not even together properly but for the babies sake I want to try and figure things out, my family is supporting me and Caggie the whole way just like you are and I’m glad she has support coming from each end possible” I say without even taking a breath.

“Brad, she can’t quite believe the reactions she’s had right now. It will all sink in eventually when it’s been a few months, she’s still got a lot to go through and I don’t think she knows herself yet. Just leave her to me, I can help her out I’m not saying don’t bother with her but Caggie needs her mum and whoever she chooses to be around. If she chooses to be around you then so be it but right now until she figures everything out just stay out of her way” Caggie’s mum replies,

“See the thing is I don’t want to be pushed out, I really like Caggie and enjoy being around her if anything I admire her for doing this and not just getting rid of the baby. She’s having my child and I was to be able to support her in every way I can, please don’t let her push me away” I say I could feel my eyes swell up with tears; I didn’t want her to see me crying.

“Brad, it’ll be ok. She’ll come round eventually no matter how stubborn she is” Caggie’s mum says pulling me into her; I never knew how good it was to need a hug at a time like this. I’ve never confided in my mum,

Caggie’s mum lets me go and I cheer up, this talk had certainly made me think properly and I was ready to do the right thing by everyone. I was going to go to college get the right qualifications and with as much help as I could get, try and start my own business. I wanted to provide for Caggie and my child, and I’d do whatever it took to do that starting with getting a job.

“Thanks, don’t tell Caggie I was here. I’m going to need time to get a job, so if she does ask tell her that I’m sorry for being stupid and that I’m going to be able to provide for her. I really appreciate you being able to talk to me” I reply to her, with that I leave the house as Caggie was due in soon.

I hurry home and begin searching for jobs; I was prepared to do anything as long as I earned money. I wanted to be independent and not have to borrow money from my mum or my dad, I was growing up.

It was nearly midnight when I had a call from Rosie; I wasn’t too impressed with the times she picked to call her favourite cousin. So this had better be interesting,

“What?” I say groaning down the phone.

“Hi, it’s me” Caggie replies, I perk up a little and then clear my throat.

“Oh, sorry I thought it was Rosie” I say trying to sound happy,

“Its fine, look I know mum wasn’t meant to tell me but she did and I just wanted to say thank you for actually wanting to be here for me. I know it’s late but if I’m honest, Rosie had just gone to sleep and my phone is completely dead” Caggie replies,

“Its fine, I want to be there for you. And I’m going to get a job in between college, I want to be able to provide for you” I say.

“Are you sure? I mean I can do this on my own, I’m giving you the choice to walk away now and maybe when your ready I’ll let you come back into our lives” Caggie replies, I hated it when she did this I’ve told her countless time that I wanted to be there for her, she never seemed to believe me.

“Caggie listen to me. I’m going to be there no matter what you say, I want to be there the sooner you listen to that the better because I’m not lying I’m genuine about this I’m not going to just sit back and let you have my baby without my support” I say firmly.

“Ok whatever, but I’m going to go now because I’m really tired. I’ll speak to you in a few days ok?” Caggie replies,

“Ok then, well sleep tight” I say ready to shut the conversation off.

“I… I love you” Caggie replies quickly before putting the phone down,

I was completely startled; she said she’d loved me. I slept on that thought of Caggie telling me she loved me.

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