Rosie's POV

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-Rosie's POV-

Since Caggie’s departure yesterday morning, Elle had been with me a lot. I got to know her a lot more, I liked Elle and I knew she felt horrible for messing up. My mum did this a lot as well; she messed up a lot and would make it up with money. I didn’t know how to comfort Elle I barely knew her, it felt weird being here without Caggie maybe I should have just gone back with her.

“Rosie, are you ready to go to lunch?” Elle asks peering through the door,

“Yeah, just a sec” I reply putting on a jacket.

We then leave the hotel and make our way to McDonalds, Elle wanted chips so we had decided to treat ourselves.

“I still can’t believe Caggs actually went home” Elle says,

“I know but she’ll probably be fine when we go back” I reply,

“Maybe, but she’s so stubborn. One time when she was fourteen she didn’t talk to me for a whole month because I had messed up, I don’t want her to do that again” Elle says

“Don’t worry about it Elle, she’ll forgive you” I reply,

“I suppose, well lets tuck in to our burgers then” Elle says picking up her big mac.

We begin eating and I watch as Elle crumbles, she wasn’t right and I could tell Caggie was really getting to her. We manage to finish our food and Elle quickly leaves, I follow her I could see the tears in her eyes. I didn’t want to give her false hope we both knew how upset Caggie was over this.

“Hey why don’t I call Caggie?” I ask,

“Please, I just want to know she’s fine” Elle replies,

After two minutes debating with myself whether I should call her, I finally make the call passing the phone to Elle. The conversation lasted around ten minutes and then Elle puts the phone down looking happier.

“She’s at Ollie’s, and she seemed happy enough to talk to me” Elle say,

“That’s great, what do you have planned for tomorrow?” I ask,

“I have a meeting and then we’re flying back Friday” Elle replies,

“Ok then, well I think I might just stay in the hotel for the rest of the trip then” I say,

“Ok. Well I need to get going I’m arranging something” Elle replies, rushing off.

I go back to the hotel, and spend the rest of our trip in bed or packing. Elle had kept herself busy now and I had nothing to do, I was kind of glad to be going back to Chelsea. We get home Friday morning, I had decided to go straight home, I wanted Caggie to spend time with her mum.

“Hey honey, have a nice time?” Mum asks,

“Yeah it was great. Actually I just want to unpack, catch up later?” I reply,

“Sure babe, chuck down dirty washing when you’ve finished unpacking” Mum says,

I spend the next few hours sorting through my clothes; pretty much everything needed washing so I chuck it all downstairs. I didn’t want to spill Caggie’s business to my mum so I decided to stay upstairs until she’ll forget the whole catching up thing; I have a shower and then lie in bed. I was beginning to feel like Caggie spending all my time in my bed, and then I thought about going to see Brad or Ollie. I really like Ollie and I was hoping Ollie liked me too, we had spent a lot of time

 together before I knew Caggie and then Caggie comes along and she instantly clicks with him. I guessed quite a few people had fallen head over heels for her but now a baby was in the picture, not many people wanted to know her.

My phone begins ringing, I pick it up. It was Jason my ex.

“Rosie, I heard you went to Spain how was it?” Jason asks.

“Why are you calling?” I reply,

“Hey don’t be rude, I’ve missed you” Jason says.

“Yeah right, more like you’ve missed the sex we’ve had recently” I reply,

“Ok so I missed that too, but Rosie doing this had made me realised how much I do want to be with you” Jason says,

“I don’t want to be with you, you’re a waste of space sleeping with you was a mistake” I emphasise on the mistake to him, I heard him sigh.

“Ok be like that, you know where I am if you want me” Jason replies putting the phone down. He was older than me and that mean he thought he could control me, he certainly couldn’t.

I slam my phone on my bed and feel my anger rise, I wanted to erase that night out of my mind. Maybe Caggie can help.

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