Baby shopping and scans

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The next few days we’re going to be spent concentrating on the baby, mum and I both had scans coming up and in between that Mum wanted to go shopping which wasn’t for me for once.

“All this baby stuff is bringing us closer together” Mum says, smiling at me,

“I know mum, and I’m looking forward to the days to come. I really have enjoyed myself” I reply,

“Aw Caggs, well come on then get ready. Your due at the hospital in an hour” Mum then says, that was my cue to go upstairs and get out of these pyjamas.

Today I decided to dress in a floral dress with an oversized woolly cardigan, I put my hair up into a bun and then moisturise my face. My mum was already dressed by the time I was ready, it was a twenty minute drive to the hospital. I was scared to have this scan and what the older mums would think of me, it wouldn’t look so bad because my bump was only small and my mum’s bump was a lot bigger compared to mine.

“Miss Caggie Warlock” The Midwife calls from the corridor, I stand up and my mum follows me I didn’t bother to look around at the other pregnant women sat in the waiting room.

“So you’re Caggie right?” The midwife says pointing to my mum,

“Oh no, this is Caggie” My mum replies,

“Oh sorry, I was wondering then you looked a little too big to be 14 weeks” the Midwife then says.

“So Caggie I assume you haven’t did this before so I’m your midwife and I’ll be doing the scans and check-ups and I’ll be on call if there are any problems. So if you’d like to roll your sleeve up I need to take some blood for tests” The midwife continues,

Take off my cardigan and look towards my mum whilst she’s taking the blood, I really wasn’t bothered about the needle it was just the blood.

“Perfect, you were by far the quietest we’ve had in a while” The midwife says, I’m sure she was lying.

“So what happens with the blood?” I ask,

“Well, we’ll check for Down syndrome and other illnesses, you’ll need to come back for more tests. Its routine and every single mum to be has to do it” The midwife replies,

“Oh ok then, anything for my baby I suppose” I say,

I’m then told to lie back for the scan, my mum holds my hand almost excited as I am to see the baby. I was so surprised on how it looked, it was tiny and sooo cute I felt the tears in my eyes.

“Would you like a picture?” The midwife asks,

“Yes please” I reply with a grin,

I sit up and pull my dress down; within minutes the midwife passes me my scan photos along with a piece of paper with contact numbers on it.

“So I’ll be seeing you next Elle isit?” the midwife says

“Yes, my appointment is in two days” Mum replies,

“Well I’ll be seeing you then” The midwife says,

We all say goodbye and we then leave the hospital, mum drives to town where we find a quiet coffee shop.

“We should get a book to put all the babies’ memories in, starting with the scan pictures and pictures of your bump” Mum suggests,

“Actually that’s a really good idea, we should do it together” I reply,

“yeah we should, and then when they grow up we can show them it all” Mum says,

At the moment I was so jealous of her because in a couple of days’ time she was able to find out she was able to find out what gender she was having, I wasn’t fussed what my mum had but she was rooting for a little girl again. What I wanted my baby to be was a whole different story, I wasn’t really fussed but I wanted to balance it out with a boy which I’m sure Brad would be happy about.

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