Mum's regrets

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A few weeks had passed since I’d joined my new school; I had become someone everyone wanted to be. Brad was on my tail whenever he got the chance and Rosie had added a few more girls into our little friendship group.

“Was everything like this at your old school?” Rosie asks,

“Surprisingly no, I was shot down for having money. I learnt to like my own company” I reply,

“Oh, people like that are just jealous. You don’t need to worry about that now, you have us” Rosie says giving me a hug,

“Hey Caggie can I talk to you a second?” Brad shouts, I stand up and walk over to him.

“I just wanted to ask you if you were ok” Brad says, I look at him confused.

“Seriously? Are you actually for real, Brad you’ve had three weeks to talk to me and your choosing now? What was it? Shag and bag?” I reply staring at him,

“No, it’s just now that you’ve found your group of friends and settled. I thought I’d just leave you alone for a few weeks” Brad says,

“Poor excuse, I don’t believe you. Come back when you grow up yeah” I reply, he sat next to me practically every lesson and I see him out an awful lot, he had no excuse.

I sat back with Rosie and she looked worried,

“What did he say?” Rosie asks staring at me.

“Your cousin is such a dick, he chose now to talk to me after weeks and weeks” I reply.

I feel my emotions run higher than ever, I decide to go home early. I don’t know why Brad had really gotten to me, but I know I wanted to punch him so hard. I lie in bed feeling depressed; Helen was out doing the weekly food shop when I came back. I knew she wouldn’t be back until around four o’clock so I would be safe. My phone starts to ring and I choose to ignore it. My phone then vibrates and I pick it up.

Brad had text me, ‘answer my calls’ soon enough I receive another call from Brad.

“What?” I ask,

“I really want to talk to you” Brad replies,

“Fine, come over in an hour” I say putting the phone down.

I spend the hour I have getting dressed, I didn’t want him to see me in my school clothes no matter much I disliked him, I hear a knock at the door and I rush down the stairs. I open the door and Brad walks in,

“Come upstairs” I say letting Brad follow me,

We go into my room and he sits down on a chair,

“What do you want to talk to me about?” I ask,

“Us, I really like you Caggs. I know I shouldn’t have ignored you, I was just nervous. It was nothing about shagging and bagging, infact I never intended to have sex with you” Brad replies,

“Are you being serious, it sounded like it came from your ass” I say staring at him,

Brad stands up and he pulls me up from my bed, he wraps his arms around me and I look at him.

“Don’t be inconsiderate Caggs; I know you feel the same way” Brad replies

“For real? I think your cocky, and obnoxious. What happened was a one-off and I want to make sure it wouldn’t happen again, maybe if you changed for ways I’d give you a chance” I say pulling away from him.

“Fine, then I guess I’ll have to prove it to you. At least let me hold you” Brad replies,

He pulls me back into his arms and I then nestle into his chest, I wanted him so badly but I wanted to hate him. I didn’t know what I felt I guess I was just confused,

“Don’t do this to me, don’t mess with my head Brad” I say looking up to him

“I’m not doing anything, I promise” Brad replies,

Shortly after Brad leaves, I get back into bed and feel sorry for myself. I’ve never felt like this before, I didn’t know what was happening to me. I was not going to let it get to me, so I get out of bed and call Rosie.

“Hey Rosie, wanna go for a coffee?” I ask

“Sure, I’ll come pick you up in abit” Rosie replies,

“Ok, I’ll see you later then” I say putting the phone down,

Mum gets home and she instantly comes upstairs with new clothes and make-up.

“Honey the school called and told me you were ill, so I picked you up a few things to make you feel better” Mum says, passing the bags to me.

“Mum as much as I love clothes, these will not make me feel better” I reply,

“I know, but… don’t worry. Why don’t we go out for dinner” Mum says,

“Actually I’m going out with Rosie, but you could come with us?” I reply,

“Ok then, sounds great. Let me change” Mum says

She rushes out of the room and I fix my hair. Shortly after Rosie knocks on the door and we all pile out of the house and head for the café, we had decided to go to my mum’s favourite coffee shop today. She was incredibly fussy when it came to hot drinks.

“You know Caggs I don’t think I’ve ever seen you looking like this before, is it the time of the month?” Rosie says cheekily, I slap her on the arm and frown at her.

“No actually it’s not, but thanks for taking concern” I reply,

Once we’ve finished our latte’s we leave the shop and make our own way back home, mum decides to treat us to a kebab before we go home.

“I really wish I had more time so I could spend it with you” Mum says

“Really? Are you sure you’re not just saying that because we’re alone right now?” I ask

“No, I regret not being able to be a proper mother to you. I always thought work was too important, but then as you started growing up and I started missing things it made me more and more regretful” Mum replies

I stop in my tracks and stare at her for a few moments,

“I can’t believe you just said that mum” I say starting to pick my speed up again.

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