Caggie got a confession of her own

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Three months had passed and things we’re better than ever, except I had my own secret and I wasn’t sure how I was going to tell it yet. I had built up the courage ever since I found out my news, and today seemed like a good day. Mum was now five months pregnant and she had been taking more days off, it was the summer holidays before I joined sixth form.

“Wow Caggs you’ve put on abit of weight” I recall my mum saying a few days ago, I wanted to tell her there and then but I knew her mood wasn’t the best.

“Mum, you know a few days ago when you commented on my weight?” I say shaking,

“Yeah? I think” Mum replies,

“I’m… I’m… Mum I’m pregnant” I say almost dropping to the floor.

“What?! Caggie, you can’t be don’t mess around” Mum replies.

“I’m not mum I really am not, look” I almost shout, I lift up shirt and show her my little bump.

“Whoa, how far gone are you?” Mum asks,

“Around three months. I don’t know what I’m doing, this doesn’t feel like me anymore” I reply.

“Don’t worry Caggs, have you told anyone at all?” Mum asks

“No, honestly. I found out three weeks ago and this bump happened around a week ago” I reply.

“Oh Caggie, I’m actually proud of you for telling me. What do you want to do?” Mum asks

“I…I think I want to keep it. But what will Rosie and Amber think, or Brad?” I reply

Lately I had allowed myself to get closer Brad; I’ve enjoyed spending romantic nights with him and cuddling up to him.

“I don’t know dear, if you like I can help you tell them” Mum says.

“No I need to do it myself, it’s my mess I don’t want to stress you out” I reply.

I instantly call Brad and within twenty minutes he’s at my door, I pull him in and he stands there looking confused.

“Brad I have to tell you something important” I say so quiet that I didn’t think he’d hear me,

“What is it babe?” Brad replies,

“I’m pregnant” I say.

“Are you serious? But we used a condom” Brad replies, he looked like a child all over again.

“I know it must have split, I’m sorry” I say,

“No I’m sorry, that I never checked and I’ve put you in this mess” Brad replies,

He holds me tight and kisses my forehead.

“I need to tell Rosie” I say grabbing my phone, Brad grabs my phone and he calls her himself.

I decide to not listen to the conversation; instead I go to my mum who was lounging in the living room.

“He’s telling Rosie now, I don’t know how he’s reacted” I say quietly.

I sit next to her and wait for Brad to come in,

“She’s coming over” Brad says,

“Brad I don’t want you turning your back on Caggie, this is as much your mess as it is hers” Mum replies to him,

“I won’t, I’ll stand by Caggie” Brad says putting his arms around me.

Rosie soon arrives seeming more confused,

“Wow you’re so brave, unlike Amber I will be your friend no matter what you do” Rosie blurts out after more than ten minutes of sitting in silence.

“Really? Thanks Rosie means a lot” I reply, at least now I knew that Amber was out of the picture.

If I was going to go through this then I would need people behind me to support me, and sixth form was definitely out of the picture right now but I could always go at a later time.

“Caggs, you’re a genuine person and I couldn’t just turn my back on you, we’re all in this together and we’re going to help you along the way” Rosie says smiling,

All this nice talk was too much my hormones felt like exploding, I didn’t know why everyone was sticking by me. Did they think I was lying? Of course my mum would believe me but Brad and Rosie? What was in it for them, I didn’t want to bring them down with me.

“Sorry, I need to just get out of here” I say panting, I leave the house and take in the outside air

I walk down the road and make it to the end of the road before I feel arms around my waist,

“Caggie what’s wrong” Brad asks spinning me around,

“Honestly? Nothing I just don’t know what I’m doing” I reply, Brad pulls me closer and he leads me back home.

It was late now and Rosie had decided she was staying over and Brad had stayed too, my mum wasn’t complaining she was glad I had people like this behind me. But I still couldn’t believe this; I thought they were doing this because they had to. Maybe they’d prove me wrong.

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