The party!

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After lunch with mum and Rosie, I pack my clothes and make-up in a bag and we make our way to Rosie's. 

"We're both going to look great!" Rosie says bouncing up and down as we walk down the road.

"I know, I don't even know what you're wearing yet!" I reply, staring at her.

"It doesn't matter, it's going to be brilliant this party!" Rosie says, I don't bother to reply I walk in silence the rest of the way to her house.

"Go on upstairs, my room is the pink one" Rosie says as she runs into the kitchen.

"Ok, I'll get changed then" I reply making my way to Rosies room.

I had already tanned my legs this morning, they looked great I had also tanned my whole body. I change into my outfit Rosie had picked for me and then sit on her bed. Rosie enters her room with her outfit in her arms.

"you look so good Caggs, let me just get changed and we can do our hair then" Rosie says rushing off into her bathroom.

Rosie's house was beautiful and big, my house was big too but Rosie had an extra two bedrooms because she also had a brother. Of course they we're spoilt like I was but I didn't make a deal about it, Rosie liked to brag about new things she got, I didn't so much..

"Wow Rosie, that's so nice" I say startled.

"thanks, so are you any good and putting plaits into fringes?" Rosie asks.

"Yeah I can do them, you do what you need to do and I'll do it after" I reply.

Whilst Rosie is curling her beautiful long hair, I decide to put mine into a low side bun I make sure my hair is tight enough and then hair spray it to keep it in.

"Ok I'm done, work your magic" Rosie says smiling, I sit her in front of me and then begin plaiting.

"That looks so good, wait there I have this belt that will look so nice with your skirt. I never wear it so you can keep it after" Rosie says rummaging through her draws, she pulls it out and then wraps it around me. I smile and then begin doing my make-up

After two hours, we're both finished and Rosie decides to take a picture of us both. She grabs her camera and then makes me pose.

"Oh come on Caggs don't be a spoil sport, people will be wanting lots of pictures with you" Rosie says, 

"I guess, I need to update my bbm picture anyway so smile" I reply grabbing my phone and taking a picture of us both,

we leave the house at 7 o'clock and we make our way to the party. After twenty minute walk we arrive at the house full of noise, I walk inside casually and we go and join the girls who are stood in a circle in the kitchen.

"Wow Caggs you scrub up well!" Amber says kissing me on the cheek.

"Thanks, you all look brilliant. So should we join the party outside? It's dead in here" I reply, 

we make our way outside and most of the girls are taken away by their boyfriends, I'm stuck with Amber and Rosie who are holding out for certain boys. We start the night out on wine, trying to be sensible. Rosie and Amber get pulled away by their dream men and I'm left on my own, no one gives me the time of day apart from of course Brad Jones..

"Hey beautiful, I was wondering if you were coming tonight" Brad says passing me a shot of vodka.

"Well I'm here now, so why don't you try and woo me" I reply

"Really? I was hoping for you to be a little harder than that" Brad says giving me a smile.

"Well I'm in a good mood, so I'll be nice" I reply, he grabs my hand and leads me to the dance floor.

We dance for a little while, I let myself go tonight but after this I wasn't letting Brad anywhere near me. He really wasn't my type and to be honest I hated him, but his eyes we're so inviting I couldn't help myself.

"Here have this" Brad says passing me a cup of drink, I down it in one and demand for more. Brad grabs me some more and I down it again, I was feeling a little tipsy.

"Hey Caggs don't drink too much, you'll need to be able to get home tonight" Brad says holding me up, I could feel my self falling over already and it was only 10 o'clock.

I leave Brad and make my way to Rosie, she seemed to be in the same state. 

"Hey Caggs, it's great isn't it" Rosie says as she grinds down some boy. 

"Yeah sure, um I'll leave you to it" I reply, rushing off. Brad grabs me and he sits me down, he brings me another drink and I down it in one again. I was definitely going to regret this in the morning, 

"Hey Caggs..." Brad trails off and he kisses me, he then wraps his arms around me and I carry on kissing him. It was meaningless but I didn't want to stop, we eventually stop and we take a few shots.

"Wow you can drink" Brad says, I sit on his lap and look at him.

"I can do alot of things" I reply smiling, he rubs his hands up my leg and stops and the top of my thigh.

"I'm sure you can" Brad says leaning in to kiss me, we kiss again and I run my hands through his hair. I was too drunk to care right now, the party was in full swing and Brad and I we're in full swing.

"Hey Brad, who's house is this?" I ask curious,

"Mine, why do you ask?" Brad replies rubbing my back. 

"No reason" I say standing up.

Brad pulls me back onto his lap and continue drinking, we had drunk quite alot and I felt like I had to stop.

"Hey no more drinks for me, I've had too much" I say, staring into Brads eyes.

"I think I'm going to stop too, maybe we should take this party somewhere else" Brad replies.

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