The first day of school

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Summers point of view;
Hi! I'm summer and today I'm going to my first day of school at California high school. I've heard nothing but good things about the school. Luckily I've made three friends since I've moved here. Their names are Andrea, Jenn, and Lia Marie.. They are all so sweet and we've hung out a few times since we met.

Today for school I dragged my self out of bed, and since it was the first day of school it happened to be 5 in the morning, I took a shower hoping to make myself wake up even more. I then got dressed, I was wearing a floral skater shirt with a mint green cropped top matching the flowers on the skirt. My mom called down stairs for me making sure I was awake. I did my hair putting my long light brown hair pulling it back into a French braid, I put a flower crown on to hold back the strands I then applied makeup, just mascara, eyeliner, and a peachy lip gloss.

When I went down stairs I hugged my mom and kissed her on the cheek. She already had a piece of toast for me, I ate it and realized what time it was.. Time for me to leave! I grabbed my back pack whipping it over my shoulders. Stopped at the door and put on my mint green vans! I jumped in my car, put the key in the ignition, buckled, and started backing out of my lengthy and curvy drive way.

I stopped at Jenn's house, I promised her we would go to school together on the first week. Jenn hoped in the front wearing a black skater skirt, a white crop top and white converse. We all made sure to wear skirts today! We pulled up to school and parked. I dreaded getting out of that car and walking into that school. We met up with my group of friends and entered the building.

I walked to my locker, stuffed my bag in there and grabbed my things for my first class. Spanish 4. I got to my first class and the teacher assigned me a seat making sure to introduce her overly hyper self. Her name was Ms. Gonzalez, she talked about her summer and told us what we were going t learn throughout the year. The person I was supposed to be paired with wasn't here today.. Weird. But his name was like Kian or something like that.

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