Uh oh.

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I woke up and headed down stairs, to my surprise was a fully cooked breakfast, pancakes with a side of bacon. Next to it was a note left by Kian.. Enjoy gorgeous! -Kian. Gosh I loved him. My phone then went off interrupting my wonderful thoughts. Speak of the devil.. It was Kian.
To summer;
Hey babe! Be there in an hour! Be ready.
To Kian;
Can't wait! See ya soon.
I ate my breakfast like never before and went to get ready.

I put on my salmon colored strapless dress, ending a 8 inches above my knees with my white vans. I looked pretty good if you asked me, my hair was pulled into a casual messy bun. I put on the movie pitch perfect until Kian walked through the door and sat down next to me greeting me with a kiss. After the movie Kian then picked me up and drove off to his house. It was a big house about the same size as mine. He walked in and called for all of his friends to come down. Racing from every way from the house were 6 different guys.

Starting at the left was jc Caylen, he was dating my friend Lia Marie. He greeted me with a hug and a welcoming smile. Next to him was Kenny he was buried in his phone then looked up and gave me a side hug. Next to him was Dom he was just staring into eyes making me feel slightly uncomfortable but I said hi. Next to him was Sam, sam welcomed me with a long hug and a warm breathe in my ear. Next to Sam was Connor and on his back was Andrea, my other friend. Next to them was Ricky, ricky had a big dorky smile and was too busy on his phone to notice me.

The whole morning I got to know the guys, they were really sweet and funny. I didn't really like Dom or Kenny but whatever. At about 12:30 Kian and I had left and we hoped on our penny boards, holding hands and riding down the streets. We stopped at a familiar place, Panera, Kian ordered us two frozen lemonades while I got us a seat for two. Kian came to where I was sitting and instead of sitting on the other side of the table he sat next to me and gently put his arm around my neck. He gave me a kiss on the cheek where I returned the favor and eventually our lips met.

It felt like forever since I had kissed Kian like that, it felt like he actually meant it. Kian and I talked about the guys and decided that we would hang out there again tomorrow to get me familiar with them. I told him about Dom and Kenny and he gave me some good news. They were moving out in 2 months for another opportunity in Arizona for a radio company. Kian said he was going to be moving back in there and I just sorta nodded my head not paying attention too much. I then spotted something, it was all my friends. Lia Marie, Andrea, and Jenn. Without me.

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