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No matter where i went I just couldn't escape Kian, it was like he had me on a spell. No matter where I went or what I do I was trapped, trapped by the biggest asshole of all time. I put my phone back in my bag knowing Kian would make a fit later on, and continued to have the time of my life. The night was going to be started by a fancy dinner ( comment your nationalities flag ). It would be continued by going to a place were we can go zip lining over a place in Arizona. The night would be finished by shopping, who doesn't love shopping?

Getting back at the hotel at 2 am and literally passing out while trying to take off my makeup I think it was time to get to bed. Waking up at 7 am was going to be the biggest struggle of my teenage years. Getting up was like fighting my body for hours, it wasn't as fun as you would think but today was going to be a great day, we were going to go see the Grand Canyon and the Dolan twins were supposed to be in Arizona this week so we are going to hang with them. Like always I was driving to the Grand Canyon, not that I'm complaining but it's not that fun.

After going to see the amazing Grand Canyon we got back at the hotel at 2 pm to clean up for dinner were we were meeting the twins, we were meeting at chipotle. Total white girl place, but the twins picked it. The twins were so cute, the got out of the car and a whole rush of screaming girls tackled them with hugs. The took 20 minutes worth of pictures and signatures that continued to hang out with us. The boys got what they wanted and we sat over, talking to each other and having fun. We got back to the hotel and they were staying two floors above us so we said we would meet up tomorrow for breakfast.

For the day we decided to go walking and then come back to the hotel for a little swim. The boys wanted pictures with us for Instagram, who would say no? We took pictures and plastered them to Instagram, all of us. My phone buzzed. Guess who? If you guessed Kian you were right on, He was pissed. I ignored him again and continued to enjoy my Kian free vacation. The week was coming to an end and I had invited the twins to come stay with me in California, obviously with Kian's "permission" he is my boyfriend after all. The boys said they would think it over, I told them to stay as long as they wanted.

We spent the last couple days together and became closer friends, by the end of the week we would be swarmed by groups of screaming fans. We were asked for our numbers, addresses and follow backs on our media sights. As much as I loved it I disliked it just as much. I had to make sure I looked presentable so if I was asked for a picture I wouldn't look like a monster. On the way out of the hotel the boys were all packed and told us they would come with us, I was so happy inside but was calm and chill on the outside. The Dolan twins were not only hot and amazing but great friends.  Did I like Kian anymore or did I move onto the twins?? What if I liked all of them, is that even possible? Shit I'm so confused! " SUMMER SUMMER SUMMER " I was Rudely interrupted by someone calling my name.

Dark and dangerous (Kian Lawley fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now