Date pt.2

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I woke up to an empty house, heart breaking I know. My mom constantly works to get her mind off my dads death. My dad died of leukemia, he died 3 months before we moved, he was the reason why we moved, we needed a fresh start. Well my day was going to be a boring day, so I thought I'd shoot Kian a text.
To Kian;
Hey!! Wanna go somewhere today?
To summer;
Sure babe! Pick you up in 10 minutes.
To Kian;
What are we going to do?
To summer;
Bring a bathing suit, change of clothes, and your gorgeous self!:)
I only had ten minutes and I had to rush to get ready.

I put on some short white Jean shorts, along with a teal cropped tank top that said "whatever" and my black vans. I put in a draw string bag my strapless white bikini and a pair of jean shorts and a crop top. I ran down stairs grabbing my SnapBack and sunglasses, headed for the door and took my penny board locking the door behind me with a click.

I hoped into Kian's car and was greeted with a passionate kiss. He started to drive when I lightly placed my hand on his, he kept looking straight forward and just smile I planted a kiss on his lips, he was kind of shocked seeing how he wasn't expecting it but after a couple seconds he kissed me back. God do I love that feeling. When we stopped I jumped through the window along with Kian and I grabbed my bathing suit and headed towards the family bathroom. Kian followed me and we entered the bathroom, he was changing into his trunks and I was changing into my bottoms. When I was putting on my top Kian came from behind me and gave me the sweetest hug ever.

He started sucking on my neck leaving little love bites, they disappeared I kind pushed Kian off so I could put on my top and then he pushed me up against the wall and forcefully pushed his lips against mine. I wasn't really in the mood so I kind of just kissed back to make him happy. Minutes passed and I was getting kind of bored so I stopped and signaled towards the door. He got what I was saying grabbed his clothes and headed out the door.

Kian and I laid out towels down near the shore and laid down holding hands. Kian said he was going to go get us something to eat so I grabbed my phone and checked Twitter. Nothing new. I put my phone down and all of a sudden I felt like I was being lifted before I knew it I was let go of and dropped into the water I took my sunglasses off and started screaming I pushed Kian in the water and sat on his lap played me with his hair, I started to kiss him when he got up and lead us towards the towels where we are our French fries in peace.

Kian and I stayed to watch the sunset, Kian was so romantic I didn't picture him that way he was supposed to be the badass. Kian looked at me and said he wanted me to meet his friends, I hesitantly said yes not knowing what to expect. He told me he'd pick me up at 9 tomorrow morning to meet them I kindly nodded my head and kissed his lips, Kian was mine and was forever going to be mine.

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