Who is this?!

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Honestly Kian must know the school really well because he never gets in trouble for being late, all he does is give a little solute to the teacher and they act like nothing happened. As Kian and I sit down at our seats I look at Kian and wonder why. Why me? He could have any other girl in this world but he chose me. What's so different about me? Honestly I only have like 5 friends.

He noticed me looking at him, he just smirks not even looking at me and he continues working I finally take my eyes off him and start to finish up my work sheet. I finish seconds before the bell rings I start walking and notice Kian throwing stuff into his binder and walks up to me and puts his arm around me, I brush it off and he grabs my wrist, turns me around and says " listen here. You are going to let me do what I want and if you don't, you'll regret it, oh you'll regret" he says gritting his teeth together.

His grip finally lets loose and I go to the bathroom and let the warm stinging tears burn my cheeks and leave stains. My wrist started bleeding in one spot. It's where his nails dug into my wrist, it was actually kinda a painful and then my wrist went numb. I put cold water on my cheeks, and continue on for the rest of the day holding backs thunderstorm of tears. As soon ask get home I let it all out until I hear my phone buzz. It was a text from an unknown number;
To summer;
Hey gorgeous ;) sorry 'bout today I didn't mean too!
To unknown number;
To summer;
Babe, who else would it be ;)
To unknown number;
Is this Kian?

I never got a text back from him but I shrugged it off. I could always ask him tomorrow morning at schools. I took a look at the time 1:43 the clock read, "holy shit" I say turning my lamp of and plugging my charger into my phone wrestling with my blankets a bit and finally drifting off to sleep. I wake up and do the usual, today I threw on a pink bandana and threw my hair into a messy bun, I had on my pink cropped tank top, light washed frayed jeans, a flannel pink, and white tied around my waist, and on my feet were my black vans. I grabbed an Arizona tea and swung my back pack around onto my shoulder and headed off to school not knowing what to expect.

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