We are a thing.

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Summers POV;

Kian picked me up at my house at 7 and told me to wear what i was wearing he drove by the beach and stopped in the parking lot. He jumped through the open window and jogged to my side of the Porsche, took my hand and helped me out he then closed the door and slammed me up against the car whispering into my ear sending chills down my whole body. He then attached his lips to mine asking for entrance with his tongue, instead I tugged at his lip with my teeth and pushed him off.

Kian then took my hand and lead me to a random play on the beach and sat down he signaled for me to take a seat next to him, he lit a candle and a whole picnic appeared. Kian was so romantic! I couldn't get over how good of a boyfriend Kian was. I wanted him so bad. I ate the dinner and we caught up on everything and he explained everything to me. I was pissed at him for kissing his ex Alice but I forgave him. After we ate I walked over to Kian and sat on his lap wrapping my legs around his waist. I looked into his eyes searching for compassion and love, I leaned in to get closer I could feel his hot breath on my lips when I touched lips with him.

I pulled back just looking at him. I didn't know where I wanted this to go, I did just start dating him again it wasn't like I wanted to go have sex with him right away. I kissed Kian again and finally got off of him and we started talking his arm around my shoulder and I was wearing his oversized hoody. Hot! I then took his SnapBack and started running along the beach waiting for him to catch up with me. He grabbed me by the waist and tried to throw me into the water but instead I clinged to his body like never before. I had missed Kian and tonight made me realize how much I actually loved him. It was just way to soon to tell him. But it was true I loved him.

Hey guys!! So all these are pre-written so they may not be the best quality, so I hope you enjoy whatever they are.

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