The "mystery" guy

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The rest of the day went fine I was buried in homework by the end of the day. During the day o did feel like someone was constantly starting at me though.. I think it was just my imagination running wild though! Today I went over Jenn's house to do our chemistry homework to do together. That took a couple hours out of my day.

By the time I got home it was 7. I stopped to get frozen yogurt on the way home. When I got home I was bombarded by questions from my sister and my mom. " how was your day sweety" "make any friends" where were you" "did you get me anything" "meet anyone cute" I had enough so I answered the questions I remembered and then headed up stairs. I changed out of my cloths and out on Nike pros with a loose band shirt. Took off my makeup and threw my hair into a messy bun. I then went on my laptop and watched YouTube. Not knowingly I drifted off to sleep.

The next day, Thursday I woke up at 5 again and took a shower and threw my hair into a messy bun with a white bandana that had a knot in the front. I threw on ripped medium light washed jean shorts, and put on a tank top that ended above my belly button and put on my black vans with my backpack over my shoulder and sunglasses covering my crystal like blue eyes. I grabbed toast and drove myself to school.

I met up with my friends. The usual but walking towards us was a group of 6 guys. I didn't know who any of them were but I knew that they looked hot and bad ass! One of them stood out he was talk and he was muscular but skinny. He had brown hair and warm brown eyes. He had on a SnapBack on backwards and a a gray and black varsity jacket over his white t-shirt that said VANS he had black skinny jeans on and black vans. He looked hot! But who was that?

When I got to Spanish 4 this morning I took my seat and 15 minutes into class that guy walked in. Just him. He just looked at and. Gonzalez and she just nodded her head and signaled for him to sit next to me. When he sat down he leaned close to me and whispered something I couldn't quite hear. I brushed it off and just focused on what Ms.Gonzalez was saying for the rest of class.

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