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I called Kian my boyfriend. I cringed at the thought of that, no way would I ever date him. Too late! Everyone was already making rumors and asking me how Kian was like a 6th grader would. But in all honesty I kinda liked the thought of Kian being my boyfriend. It wasn't official yet, but I am hoping it's going to be soon!

I told Kian I was going to my next class, which wasn't a complete lie but, I went to the bathroom to go "freshen up" when I walked in there were three girls. "The plastics" [ reference; mean girls ] Grace, Aria, Lindsey, and Taylor. They all gave me a glare, looked at each other and Taylor said " oh look who it is, badass here is dating Kian Lawley " then her twin sister Grace said " I wouldn't be surprised if she was just a one night thing, like every other girl Kian dates " they all giggled making there way to the door when Lindsey shoves up up against the wall just staring at me then releases walking away.

It was whatever, I don't really care about those girls cause once I turn 18 I won't need to take shit from them. They just need to make people feel bad for them to feel good, people just work differently. I started doing my make up when my best friend Alexi walked in she ran over to me and gave me a big hug then squealed in my ear. " hey girl, I heard your dating Kian! Why didn't you tell me " she said all cheerfully, " we aren't actually dating yet " I said back her smile turned to a frown. " Girl! You have to stop it with him he's bad news " she said cautiously, " I'll be fine trust me " I said back reassuringly.

I walked to my third class with Kian while our hands were intertwined we took our seats and pretty much just talked the whole time. " hey wanna go out tonight " he said smiling. " umm..  Yea sure " I said. " yes! " he said even more happy he hugged me then kissed my cheek. The whole class I felt like all attention was on me. Even Kian's.

Later that night at around 7 Kian had picked me up he told me to wear something casual so I threw on medium washed ripped jeans, my favorite cropped tank top, my white converse, my hair thrown into a messy bun, and topped with a bandana. When I first saw Kian, I got happy, just seeing him makes me happy, the thought of him makes a rush through my body, a good one. Kian took me to a beach where we walked on the edge of the crackling waves and the wet sand.

He suddenly stopped, he grabbed my other hand so I was looking straight at him, he's 6"1 and I'm only 5"7. So kinda a height difference but whatever. We were inches away, I could feel his tense body touching mine. I looked into his deep, compassionate brown eyes, he looked so hot and that's when he leaned in to kiss me. I let him, when he kisses me I could feel sparks flying. It only lasted seconds but I couldn't stop smiling, adrenaline rushes throughout my body making me all jittery. That's when Kian stopped me and asked me to be his girl.


Hi guys! So I'm going to start putting in a message here, what do you think? But anyway if you want another chapter get me to;
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As soon as you do that I will write you guys another chapter. Enjoy this one!

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