Chapter one

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It was the last month of sixth year and lily couldn't wait to finish end of year tests. They were just stressing her out. Though it seemed to be the opposite for Potter. The arrogant jerk that lily had sort of become friends with.

"Hey Evans. How ya doin?" James potter asked sitting down next to lily in the great hall the morning of transfiguration testing.

"Do you mind potter?! I'm trying to get in a little last minute studying and you're just distracting me!" She snapped at him.

"I know. My amazingly good looks and incredibly toned abs can be distracting at times. But evens, if you want me all you got to do is ask. And why are you studying? Transfiguration tests should be easy breezy."

"Well potter. As unbelievable as this sounds i am not distracted by your looks or so called 'abs'." She said sassily.

"Well someone's in a bad mood this morning." Sirius said sitting on the other side of lily, taking some toast off her plate.

"Oh stuff it Black!" Lily stormed out.
(After test)

"So how do you think you did padfoot?" James asked as they exited the transfiguration room.

"Well prongsie. I quite enjoyed it and think I did as fabulous as my hair looks right now." Sirius said proudly.

"Oh. That's to bad. I was really hoping you'd pass this class. Well you could always be a professor." James said sarcastically.

"Hey!" Sirius faked sounding offended. The two boys burst out laughing together.

Just then none other than Lily Evans bumped into James. She fell down and spilled the contents of her book bag all of the floor in the middle of the corridor.

"Lil! You alright?" James asked bending down to help her get her stuff.

"Uh. Yeah. Fine thanks." lily said desperately trying to find the place she was at in her book.

"Well prongs. I'm going to lunch." Sirius said then walked off.

"Thanks for getting my stuff but I should really go. I have to meet Marlene in the great hall." Lily said, getting up.

"How about I walk you there?" James said. "I know you would just love to spend more time with me." He said winking.

"Oh please James I would rather have to kiss a grindylow."

"C'mon Evans. I can't be that bad."

"I hate to brake it to ya but you are!"

"Oh lil you're so cute when you're irritated!"

"Oh shove off james." She said. But she did crack a little smile.
(Lily PoV)
"Hey lils." Marlene said as I sat down next to her in the great hall.

"Hi mar." I said. "I can't believe that potter. He is so annoying." I said grabbing a sandwich from the middle of the table.

"You don't mind that much though." She said taking a sip of juice.

"Why do you say that?" I asked.

"Well you did walk in here with him. You do happen to be looking at him right now. You have been since you came." Marlene's said without thinking much of it. But she did have a point. I hadn't realized but I was staring at him.

"I wasn't- I mean.. I was just... Looking at Remus. He's not looking well today."

"Yeah sure. Remus looks fine to me."

"Whatever. I'm going for a walk. See you in potions." I said standing up and leaving.

I walked around the grounds for a while. Thinking. I didn't like James. He may be acting a little bit more mature. But I didn't like him.

Soon I got to the end of the dock of the black lake. I sat down dangling my legs over the edge.

James is self centered. He is not boyfriend material. No matter how nice he can be at times. Or how handsome he is when he is messing around. Or even though he asks me out just to annoy me, he is still really cute. Wait. No. He is not any of those things accept self centered.

I was so. Caught up in my thought that I didn't notice someone sit down next to me. Someone I really didn't want to talk to.

"Hello lil." Severus said.

"Um. Hi sev." I said. But then I realized what I had called him. "I mean. Severus." I said kind of coldly.

"I was just wondering if we could talk about us."

"No. Seeing as there is nothing to talk about. Because there is no 'us'." I said.

"Please just give me another chance. Just one more. I will prove that I am worth just a little bit of your time!" He begged.

"Severus. I'm used to that name. But when you called me it, it hurt. I never thought you would say it. Not about me not about anyone. But you did. And I just don't think I can forgive you for that. I'm sorry." I got up to leave but he stood up as well and grabbed my wrist so I couldn't leave.

"Lily! Please! I know I'm a terrible person but I just don't like not being your friend."

"Bye snivelous." Said a voice behind me. I turned my head to see it was James. I couldn't turn around seeing as sev still had my wrists.

"What are you doing here potter?" Sev asked.

"Well, I'm here to get lily. I need to speak to her." James said walking towards me and trying to get my hands away from sev.

"You can wait. I'm speaking to her right now."

"It doesn't look like she wants to talk to you. So why don't you leave? Or we can just ask lil here who she would rather talk to." James said.

"Fine. Lily?" Snape said through clenched teeth.

"I'm sorry sev. But I'd really rather talk to James." I said. By then my arms were free. "Him and I are actually friends."i said taking James' hand just to show snape I was serious.

"Fine." He said then walked away.

I let go of James' hand quickly after. "Thanks." I said.

"No problem friend of mine." He said.

"You know I was just trying to get him to leave. Right?"

"Oh but lily. You sounded pretty serious."

"It's called acting."

"Well I would really like it if we could be friends."

"I guess we can. but that doesn't mean I like you." I said then walked away.
Hey. So I am not a very good writer but I really enjoy writing. So I'm going to continue anyways. But please vote. I promise I will make the story better. And maybe make the chapters a bit longer. But I have another Jily fanfic and also a book of fun facts and jokes. So if you would just visit my page and check those out I would love it! Please please please vote! And comment! Tell me what you think could be better what you liked what you think I should change. Just please vote and comment. I would love some feedback! Love you all! 😘

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