Chapter 13

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James PoV

"Guys I'm not lying! She did kiss me!" James said loudly.

None of his friends believed him. they were walking up to the tower, the game had just finished and Peter and Remus had waited for the other two boys.

"I was with you! I didn't see anything! I think the nerves just messed your head a bit!" Peter laughed.

"Il kiss her tonight! And she won't slap me or hex me or push me away! You'll see!" James said as they arrived at the portrait hole.

"Bet you 5 knuts that James will chicken out." Sirius said discreetly to Remus.

"You're on." Then they disappeared into the party.


"Evans!" James said walking over to her.

"Hey potter nice game!"

"You know I think we won cuz of that lucky kiss before the game" is what James wanted to say... He wanted to sound flirty and confident, instead he said, "I-uh um thanks! I'm gonna go get a drink!" And then he walked away kind of fast. He had no idea what had come over him! He had suddenly got super nervous and didn't know what to do. What was wrong with him! He never had trouble flirting in the past! He'd just have to try again later. After he had a drink.

James drank about 3 drinks and things were getting blurry. That's when he decided to stop drinking. He didn't want to be flat out drunk.

"Lil! Hey! Lily!" James said having a bit of trouble getting the words to not sound slurred.

"Hey James..." Lily said giggling a bit at his intoxicated and goofy state.

"Sit with me!" James said sitting in an icon forgave position on the floor before adjusting to cross legged.

"Okay." Lily laughed. She sat in front of them with their knees touching.

"Did you know I like you?" James said.

"Well I mean you used to." Lily said.

"But like right now! You're most prettiest girl in all of Hogwarts! Like you could win a competest!" He said combining the words contest and competition.

"Oh well thanks but I think that dream is a little far fetched!"

"No it's not! Cuz you're really pretty. And it makes me sad that everyone thinks you don't like me back!"

"That's a little far fetched as well..." I said hinting that I like him hoping that he would realize and ask me out soon.

"Your hair could set the lake on fire!" He babbled on, not getting my hint.

"You aren't making any sense!" I laughed. "I'm going to bed now. Goodnight James." I said. I leaned down and kisses him lightly on the lips. He was too stunned to do anything other than stare at me.

Sirius PoV

I stood with my mouth hanging open.  She kissed him! On the mouth! And that blubber head just sat there!

"Remus! Moony! He wasn't lying!" I said running up to Remus who was reading and nibbling on chocolate.

"Lying about what?" He looked up.

"Lily kissed him! I just saw it! She pecked him on the lips then went upstairs! We have to interrogate her tomorrow! Poor Jamsie boy is to drink to remember!"

"Well you can talk to her if you want, but I'm going to stay out of it!"

"But lily likes you better than me! She won't talk to me!"

"Ugh! Fine!"

I'm so sorry it's been like forever since I've last updated! I'm really going to try to update more often! Please keep reading! And please vote and comment and fallow me! All comments are appreciated! Love y'all!

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