Chapter 14

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Sirius PoV

"Lily! Darling! How are you!" I said walking up to her in the library.

"Sirius. What do you want? Why are you in the library?!" She mocked surprise.

"Just wanted to talk to my favorite flower." I said winking at her.

Remus backed out of helping me early this morning so I had to come up with my own plan to get her to admit she likes him. I'm going to flirt with her and get her to turn me down. When I ask her why she'll tell me she likes James! Remus didn't help me with the plan... He usually talks me out of stupid things but he decided not to help!

"What do you want from me Sirius? You're never this nice without wanting something." Lily said

"Oh I don't want anything. I just want to hang out with you." I said reaching for a book right above her head so my arm was kind of around her.

"You are squishing me into the book shelf!" She said. She was standing right up against it so that she wouldn't be touching me.

"Oh sorry, beautiful." Then I walked away.

This was a plan that would take a bit of time.

Lily PoV

"Hey mar." I said sitting down for lunch later in the day.

"Lil! Hey! Hi! How are you!" Marlene said jumpily. Like she knew something. Marlene sucks at hiding things.

"What?" I asked.

"What do you mean?"

"You're hiding something."

"Uh well. Um. It's nothing. Sirius just told me something but he asked me not to tell anyone!"

"But you really want to tell me...?"

"You have no idea!"

"So tell me! I won't tell him you told me!"

"I can't though! We pinky promised and stamped it! If I break the promise he will know and also something bad will happen to me!" She said. Stamping a pinky promise was a spell on a normal pinky promise where, if the person making the promise broke it, something bad ,like karma, would happen to them.

"Ugh! Fine!"

Then we continued to eat.

"Hey Gorgeous." Sirius said sitting next to me. A little closely.

"Hello Sirius." I said scooting away a little. 

"So how was your day?" He said and he put his arm around my shoulders.

"Umm fine. I have to go though. I'll see you guys later." I stood and left. I just felt so awkward! I wouldn't want James to see Sirius with his arm around me.

"Lily! Hey!" James said smiling dazzlingly at me as I was walking out of the great hall.

"James!" I said loudly jumping just a bit. Maybe more Than a bit...

"You okay..?" He asked.

"Uh yeah! No I'm good! I'm fine! I just have to uh.. um.. go do homework and.. Um the uh Gryffindor common room! Catch you later!" I said quickly then ran off.

An hour later I'm still sitting in the common room looking over a blank transfiguration essay. To many things on my mind to focus!

"Hey, cutie. You want help with that?" Sirius said coming up to sit by me on the couch. Just a bit too close though.

"What? No I'm fine." I said moving to the other side.

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