Chapter 10

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"Miss Evans, I would love it if you would wake up and pay attention!"

I jolted awake. At first I thought I was in my bed in the dorm but I opened my eyes and discovered that I had dozed off in transfiguration!

McGonagall was looking at me rather angrily.

"Professor! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to!" I said, my face was flushing from embarrassment.

"Maybe try sleeping tonight, I'm sure that would help." She said then she went back to her lesson on transfiguring humans.

Soon a note came flying to my desk. It landed elegantly and was in the form of an airplane. I unfolded the not and read:
Tired are we today, Evans?

I looked up and found James staring back at me. I got butterflies in my stomach.

I turned l
attention back to the little paper on my desk and wrote:
Didn't sleep well last night. To much on my mind.

Which was true. School. Tuney. My parents. My friends. And my crush in the one and only James potter.

I couldn't get James off my mind! He was always there! His amazingly soft hair. His beautiful hazel eyes. His jaw. His jaw line was amazing! The way he clenches his jaw when he's concentrating! I just couldn't get him off my mind, and I'm losing sleep because of it!

I sent the note back to him.

What kind of stuff is on your mind?

I couldn't tell him that he was what was on my mind! So I wrote back: nothing you need to worry about.

I know. It's a short stupid reply! But I'm to tired to actually try today! Before I could get the note back the bell rang. So I grabbed my stuff and rushed out of the classroom.

I was almost to the potions room when I ran right into someone! I found that someone had fallen on me, but he put his hands on either sound of my face to avoid crushing me. Our books were scattered every where!

"Severus!" I said in shock.

"Lily." He said. He wasn't moving. I couldn't stand up if he was over top of me like he was. So I just sat there waiting for him to move.

"Severus, you can stand up now." I said kind of coldly.

"I'll stand up if you talk to me about our friendship." He said. He still hadn't moved.

"I don't want to talk to you about anything. Now get up."

"Please lily! Give me another chance!"

"Stand up Severus."

"Fine." He stood up. Then he reached his hand down to me, offering to help me up. I figured it wouldn't hurt anyone to be civil with him right now, so I took his hand and allowed him to pull me to my feet.

Severus didn't let go once I was steady on my feet though. He did, however, get closer to me. Forcing me to back into a wall.

"Lily, if you'll give me one more chance, I promise I will show you that I am not the same guy from 3 years ago! I've changed! I was also going through a hard time back then! Please, lil! Give me a second chance!"

"Severus, I just don't know if I-" he cut me off. He cut me off by placing his mouth over mine! I struggled to get free but he had both my wrists in his and I was backed up against a wall. There was no where I could go!

"Oi!" Someone shouted. Severus finally pulled away.

I took the opportunity to break my arms free and I kneed him where the sun don't shine. He doubled over in pain.

I could feel my tears coming on. I looked to see who had stopped Severus and found Sirius black standing there looking shocked and angry at the same time.

At this point my tears were freely falling. I left all my scattered stuff and ran. I didn't want anyone to see me cry. I didn't ever want to talk to Severus again. I didn't ever want to talk to anyone ever again.

I went to one of the secluded areas of the castle whet people rarely go. And I sat behind one of the tapestries. I cried my eyes out.


I couldn't remember when, but I had fallen asleep. I had mascara all down my face and everything was dark. It must have been way past curfew!

I stood up. I really didn't want to go and talk to anyone. I didn't want to have to ever see Severus again. It made me feel unsafe and violated when he kissed me. I didn't want to have to face anyone. I just wanted to be alone.

I didn't know where to go. But I figured I could go to the kitchens. I knew how to get in and I was hungry.

The good thing about being head girl is that you know everyone's rounds schedules. I could avoid everyone because I knew the schedule. Tonight it would be two prefects from Slytherin doing rounds.

I walked in silence to the kitchens.

(James PoV)

"What do you mean she ran off?!" I asked angrily in the common room.

"Snape was kissing her and she didn't look like she was enjoying it. So when I yelled and got him to look at me she kicked him in a rather painful area and ran. I got her books. Here." Sirius said. Then he handed me all of Lily's spilt things.

"We have to go find her!"

"Mate, she looked like she wanted to be alone. Maybe we should give her some time."

"Snape could be harassing her again! She could have been eaten by one of the animals hagrid keeps! We have to find her!" All my common sense had gone. All I knew was that lily was alone and I had to find her.

"Give her some time. Talk to her in the morning." Sirius said.

I gave up. I was tired and not thinking straight. "Alright. But if we can't find her at breakfast I'm getting the map." I said. Then I stomped off to bed.

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