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Guys I'm just absolutely blocked with this story. I sit for what seems like forever trying to think of where to take it next! But it never seems to come so I'm just gonna end it with a nice little epilogue. I hope this story wasn't too disappointing for you. I'm currently writing a short original story to enter into a contest and when I am done with it I'm thinking of putting it on here. I'd love to know what you all think! Tell me if you think I should put my short story up or not! And please all feedback is loved!! Thank you all for reading my story even with the scattered updates! Lots of love!

James potter proposed to Lily the end of their seventh year. The wedding had been the event of the year and everyone hoped they would get an invitation! It seemed that the entire wizarding world and half the muggle world had made an appearance at the festivities. Not that they were complaining.

A few months after the wedding lily potter found out she was expecting. James of course was over joyed. He instantly started setting up the nursery for what he assumed was going to be a baby girl. A few weeks later he found himself reprinting it to be blue. The two were as happy as could be, despite the raging war that called James away on business quite often.

Little Harry was born in the hottest summer season lily had ever experienced. And her new little boy, in her slightly biased opinion, out shined the blazing summer sun.

Harries first birthday had been no less than a hectic mess. What with uncle Sirius getting the child his very first broom. It flew only a few feet off the ground but it still had the cat going nuts. Life for the potters seemed so perfect like their little house of light would never fade or dim away. Until it did.

That fateful Halloween night brought devastation to the potters and all their friends. While the entire wizarding community was out celebrating the disappearance of Voldemort the few friends of the potters that were left sat and mourned. Sirius Black mourned alone in a dark musty cell in the most terrifying place in the world. He sat hoping his sweet little godson with his mothers emerald eyes was safe and happy.

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