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"You got everything?!" I asked Marlene frantically.

"Yes I think so. Oh but here is your brush!" She said tossing it at me. I caught it with ease.

"Well then what brush do I have in my trunk?!" I said opening it again. I found Marlene's red hairbrush sitting on top of Molly's shoes and Alice's necklace.
"Oops. Here Molly. Your shoes and Alice. I have your necklace. And here's your brush Marlene. I'm sorry guys I'm just in a hurry. I don't want to miss the train! I can't wait to see my parents!"

"It's okay lil! We get it." Said Alice.

"Yeah! We all want to see our families!" Said her cousin Molly.

"We had better go! Marlene chimes in, closing her trunk.

"Oh my goodness we have 10 minutes! We still need a compartment! And we still have to walk all the way down the grounds." I said closing my trunk and picking it up.

We raced down the stairs and out onto the grounds. We saw the thestral drawn carradges starting to move. There were only two left when we got there. One of which was mostly full.

We got into the other and found James and his little group sitting. We put our trunks in the slots under the seats and sat down. I sat next to James, despite the empty seat across from me.

"Well hello ladies." James said putting his arm on the seat behind me. "Got any summer plans?" He asked. We hadn't seen him much at all these past few days.

"No not really." Alice said.

"I'm going to Bolivia." Said Molly.

"My family is going to got to America. We have family over there." Said Marlene.

Just as I was about to say something, and just as the wagon was about to move, someone climbed in.

"Um. Hi. This is the last wagon and there is an extra seat. I don't suppose I could sit in here?" Severus said trying at being polite.

"Well we do mind actually. But whatever." Said James grumpily. He slid his arm down to my shoulders. I expect to make snape jealous. I didn't shrug him off though. I let him keep his arm there. The look on Snapes face was great!

As the carridge started moving people started talking to each other. It was pretty loud so i decided snape couldn't hear us. So I turned to James.

"What are your summer plans?" I asked trying not to sound to curious.

"Oh. I don't have any plans. We did the fun stuff last summer. We went to Africa. What are your plans?" He asked.

"Oh. I don't really ever do anything in the summer. My family are muggles so they can't fly brooms or anything. So it's really expensive. I... Don't suppose... You mi- oh never mind." Stuttered.

"What?" James asked looking in my eyes with his amazing hazel eyes. I didn't notice, but we had leaned in closer to each other.

"I was just going to ask you if maybe. Possibly. You might want to hang out this summer?" I backed up a bit.

"I would love to! You could show me muggle things! I'm just so interested in how you get those portable light things to turn on! I'm not as interested in muggle stuff as that Arthur weasly. But it just seems so interesting."

"Don't tell her I told you this but..." I leaned up so i could whisper in his ear. I also caught snape staring at us. "Molly has a huge crush on him!" I giggled.

James smiled and laughed. The rest of the ride James asked me about muggle things and my home life. 
On the train I sat next to him again. We all had fun talking and plains games. But I fell asleep half way. My head dropped onto James shoulder and I was out like a light.
"Liiiillllyyyy! Wakey wakey!" James said shaking me a bit.

I was asleep on his shoulder! What happened?! I said in my mind.

"Are we almost there?" I said hoping beyond hope that James hadn't seen me turn deep red.

"Yeah. I expect we'll be arriving soon." He said.

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