The movies

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"Muuuummm!" I yelled from my room. I ran down stairs. "Does my hair look all right?!" I asked frantically.

"Yes darling it looks great."

"No but mum I haven't seen James in forever! If my hair looks bad then he might think I've become a slob!" I said.

"But honey you are a slob!" My dad said jokingly.

I shot him a glare. "I have to leave in 20 minutes!" I said putting a waffle in my plate and sitting down.

I was meeting James, Sirius, and alice. Molly was still in Bolivia and Marlene in America. Remus was sick. He seemed to get sick a lot.  I was planning on showing them a muggle theatre. We were seeing a new horror movie. I couldn't wait to see them scared out of their skins! Thing is I get scared out of my skins too.

"I got to go! I'm apparating and I'm gonna need time to fix my hair once I get there!" I said standing up.

"Okay sweetheart. I love you. Your curfew is midnight. " my dad said kissing my head.

"Bye darling." My mom said kissing my cheek. I then spun on the spot and turned up in the designated apparating spot in the leaky cauldron.

"Hey tom." I said. Then I walked into the bathroom to fix my hair up. After that I walked to fortescues ice cream shop to wait. I had my little bag over my shoulder. It had both muggle money and wizard money. I knew how to use both, but ever since I came to hogwarts I preferred wizard money.

Time passes and no one showed. It was only like 15 minutes but it felt like forever and I was starting to worry that they had forgotten. Or worse! Blown me off! But those thoughts were dispelled when I saw James strolling toward me. I felt the butterflies in my stomach start dancing.

"Hey" he said sliding into the chair next to me.

"Hi." I said smiling widely.


James PoV
I apparatus in the Leakey cauldron. I had gotten my listened this summer. Lily also did but I don't know when. All I know is that her birthday was a few weeks ago. I had sent a her a necklace. It was an emerald green stone that matched her eyes.

When I walked into diagon ally I saw her sitting at a table at the icecream shop. She was looking a little bit worried. I did know that I was about 15 minutes late. But that was because I was waiting for Sirius to finish getting ready. I finally decided to leave with out him.

"Hey." I said sitting next to her. She beamed at me. Gosh. I forgot how really beautiful she was!

"Hi." She said. "Where are the others?"

"Sirius is still trying to get his hair perfect. And I think Alice will be here soon. Her parents are at my house visiting my parents right now. She wasn't with them though." I saw something flicker in Lily's beautiful Eyes.

"Dooessss Alice come over often?" She asked trying to sound dismissive, but failing at it. I laughed a little.

She looked up at me. She was a little bit red. "Why are you laughing?" She asked.

"Because Alice is like a sister to me." I saw the worry in her eyes flood away.

"Hey guys! Sorry I'm late! I tried apparating for the first time since the test. And well I didn't do so well. I ended up about a mile away from here!" Said Alice loudly coming and sitting down.

"How is it that you passed the test! Your toenail came off! You got splintched!" I said.

"Well the instructor didn't notice! And I wasn't about to tell him!"

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